So, they killed the shooter from Dayton, who murdered nine people | Chronic


The local police broadcast a video in which you can see how the author of the shooting that killed 9 dead and 27 injured occurred on Sunday, August 4 in the American city of Dayton (Ohio). ) near the bar Ned Peppers.

Fortunately, thanks to the rapid intervention of the police, the tragedy was prevented from continuing, the aggressor identified as being Connor Betts, 24, was neutralized by the police in less than a minute.

I read AS WELL: New shoot in United States in less than 24 hours: 10 dead

With regard to the equipment that the shooter was wearing with a mask and hearing protection, in addition to a bulletproof vest and two weapons, he would have planned to enter in the places to pursue the murder.

At the present time, the reasons that led Connor Betts to perpetrate the murder, which is currently the subject of an investigation, are unknown.


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