Social pension registration: when will the first deposit of 3,100 pesos be paid?


(Photo: Ilse Huesca / Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Ilse Huesca / Cuartoscuro)

Since August 4, the adults of 65 to 67 they started to register at Social pension.

Before that date, this financial assistance was only granted to people over 68, and dispersed after 65 years in exceptional cases, when the beneficiary belonged to indigenous or Afro-descendant communities.

With this expansion, it is expected to grow from eight million subscribers to over 10 million. Beneficiaries will receive financial assistance from 3,100 pesos every two months.

At a press conference, Adriana Montiel Reyes, Federal Under-Secretary for Social Affairs, explained that people who enroll in this phase will receive their first deposit approximately in a period of a month and a half, once the registrations have been processed and the well-being cards issued.

The process will take place in five stages, focusing on areas with the highest poverty rate. Therefore, it is necessary to know the calls published in each locality.

Deposits of the pension for the elderly are made mainly in the social assistance card (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Deposits of the pension for the elderly are made mainly in the social assistance card (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

How to register?

If you are between 65 and 67 years old and would like to benefit from this financial assistance, consult the site for the module and the date which corresponds to you to register.

When you come to the center to carry out the procedure, you will need to present an official photo ID, CURP, a legible birth certificate, proof of address not exceeding six months and a contact phone number for follow up procedure.

“It is very important that when they register and when handing over the wellness card, we physically see the elderly so that the program is implemented very well from the start,” said Montiel Reyes.

According to the manager, those who will not be able to be present on the assigned day will have three more opportunities to do so in the following weeks of the start-up and “the existing gaps will be filled at the end of the already programmed strategy”.

Those who cannot make it to the offices due to a disability or illness, can apply for a home visit, through a family member who will be present at the module and provide the documents. In addition, beneficiaries can register a relative to help them, but in this case, this person must also provide their official identification and the rest of the requested information.

(Photo: Dassaev Téllez Adame / Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Dassaev Téllez Adame / Cuartoscuro)

People aged 68 or over who still do not benefit from this support will now be able to take the process. And registrants who have problems with their cards and deposits will have the opportunity to go to one of the special tables that will be set up in the centers to solve these problems “once and for all”.

The federal government’s target is for the pension to reach double the current amount by 2024, i.e. by then 6,200 pesos are dispersed every two months. For this purpose, each year the amount it will increase by 20%. It is estimated that by the end of the administration, a federal budget of 370 billion pesos will be allocated to this program.

This Monday, August 9, the registration period for citizens aged 65 to 68 began in Mexico City. If you need to view the official schedule, list of available modules or requirements, click here.


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