Social pension: what are the conditions for enrollment in the program with the new rules


From the age of 65, they can be part of the program. (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
From the age of 65, they will be able to participate in the program.

Following the announcement of the new operating rules for the social security program, the conditions which have now been put in place to complete the procedure.

In this sense, the Ministry of Social Affairs published the said rules in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF), which entered into force on Thursday, July 8, and also reiterated the economic amount which will accommodate more than four million seniors currently registered and those who will be.

So the social secretary announced that the requirements to be taken into account are as follows:

The procedure can also be done in person.  (Photo: Pixabay)
The procedure can also be done in person. (Photo: Pixabay)

-Birth certificate.

-Unique format of the The well-being.

-To get 65 years in the two-month period of incorporation.

-Be of Mexican nationality.

-Reside in the Mexican Republic.

-Unique Code of the Population Register (CURP).

-Current official identification.

-Proof of domicile.

In the case of elderly people who, due to force majeure, have none of the documents required, they must indicate in writing what the missing document is and why it is not available.

They will also have to include in writing the personal data that must appear in the document which is not issued, which must be signed subject to telling the truth and in front of two witnesses, who must indicate their private address and if they l ‘have a copy of your official ID.

How to register?

* By phone call

-The process can be carried out by a family member or interested elderly, via the Welfare Line.

-To do this, they must contact the following telephone number: 800-639-42-64 and register or register a relative.

-Opening hours are: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. While Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

-The staff of the Social Secretariat will verify the data during a visit to the home of the interested party and will request the aforementioned documents.

With a call, you can also register the elderly.  (Photo: Pixabay)
With a call, you can also register the elderly. (Photo: Pixabay)


-The person 65 years of age or over must attend one of the modules or delegations of the Ministry of Social Welfare.

-In order to locate the corresponding delegation in one of the states of the Republic, you will need to enter the following link. Here.

-Once there, you must hand in the corresponding documentation.

-The procedure was also carried out in person at the Well-Being Tower, located at Avenida Paseo de la Reforma 509, Cuauhtémoc Town Hall, over the past few days.

-Opening hours are from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., where a file will be submitted to be taken care of.

It should be remembered that, according to the operating rules, the financial support will be 1,550 pesos per month. However, it will be awarded every two months. Then the elderly will receive 3,100 pesos every two months.

Thus, the pension rose from 2,700 pesos to 3,100 pesos, marking an increase of 400 pesos compared to the previous two-month periods.

In addition, the document states that those who will be able to access the benefit must be 65 years of age within the two-month period of incorporation.

Payment for the two month period July-August has already been deposited since June 17 with the new adjustment of the 15% increase.

The government of Mexico transferred, through the banking system, 14,400 million pesos to the elderly registered for the pension to cover the payment for the period July-August of two months.


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