Soldier and his dog died after lunch at least 14 soldiers were poisoned | the Chronicle


14 soldiers were poisoned during their break from work. In a corral in the village of Colorado in the municipality of Puerto Salgar de Cundinamarca, Colombia, The soldiers decided to stop their professional activity and decided to have rice and chicken for lunch. The event ended worse than expected and a soldier died, along with his dog.

The images are distressing. A group of young people lying on the floor in a fetal position while their other companions call for help and offer buckets to vomit. It all started an hour after lunch when, surprisingly, several of them fell to the ground with severe stomach pain. From then on, a member of the group started filming and the tragic event was documented.

Empoisonnement de masse sur une base militaire à <a href =Colombia “data-height =” auto “data-size =” w: 2133, h: 1200 “data-width =” 745 “hspace =” 5 “src =” /cronica/img/2021/04/28/intoxi.jpg_321685820.jpg “title =” Intoxicación masiva en una militar base in Colombia “vspace =” 5 “>

Mass poisoning at a military base in Colombia.

Not understanding what was going on, the soldier took out his cell phone and started recording. But the minutes passed and what seemed like a funny situation was no longer. The young people could not get up from the ground and were screaming in pain. The chicken sudado rice, a classic Colombian dish, was what intoxicated them. Although many of them were able to escape unscathed, El Tiempo sources say at least 14 soldiers fell into the sack.

Kevin Stiven Godoy Street, a 19-year-old soldier who had been doing his military service for 17 months, was the one who suffered the most severe symptoms of poisoning that ended his life. Lim Nieves, the young man’s mother, came to the place where her son was in a very delicate state of health. According to her, the army could not explain what had happened.

The stark images were recorded on April 7. The young man died, and a few minutes later the military realized that the dog had also not reacted. The military is currently investigating massive poisoning by scientific commission of the health department.


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