Solutions of the day of the worker | Chronic


Tomorrow marks International Workers' Day, a tribute to the martyrs of Chicago. And as the bouncers do not turn, it will be necessary to try the "batting practice" of today and Thursday 2 taking into account, besides our well known and effective data, some figures relating to the date and to the historical.

For example, the 133rd anniversary (what a beautiful costume!) Of the act demanded by the workers for the eight hours of work that occurred in 1886 (to keep fit with these four characters) is realized. As is known, it was the 01 day (the water) of the month 05 (the cat) and what a tragic coincidence, eight workers were sentenced for this demonstration: five sentenced to death and three to prison for life.

Another element to consider is what marks the table of dreams, not the one of the professions in a particular way (see table page 2) which is already well known and many players continue with faith when they touch "their" day, but General The same indicates that the 09 is the ambo corresponding to the "laburante" for all concepts and whatever their specialty.

Keep all these numbers in mind when signing. More recent starts But statistics also have something to contribute to the still difficult but exhilarating task of hitting. Given the dates of the draws mentioned above for the last three years, it turns out that 73 was the most outgoing ambo.

In fact, the hospital or rengo, according to preferences, appeared four times in the 84 raffles, which were less than usual since April 30, 2017, fell Sunday. Last year, he was released on the 2nd in the First Santa Fe, and in 2017 we see him the same day as the Uruguayan Nocturna. But in 2016, the most curious behavior of his behavior is recorded: the days 30 and 2 were crowned during the draws of Cordoba.

Beware of this fact, because a striking triplet can be produced … and you must not stay out!


Then, in the list of the most generous, are greased with three outlets the 00 (the eggs), 14 (the drunkards), 20 (the party), 68 (the nephews) and 91 (the toilets), they must be considered as drinkable so that they "burst" in the head.


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