Some 2.3 million Italians were vaccinated without respecting their turn – Telam


The total doses administered in Italy are 12.1 million, of which 3.7 million with the two doses.

The total doses administered in Italy are 12.1 million, of which 3.7 million with the two doses.

Some 2.3 million Italians have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine, skipping the corresponding shift and disregarding the order established by the government, the daily La Repubblica said on Friday, citing a report from the extraordinary emergency commissioner. Covid.

“A scary figure. More than 2,300,000 Italians have received at least one dose of the vaccine,” skipping the line, the newspaper reported.

As a result, the situation is particularly serious in the regions of Sicily, Calabria, Puglia, Campania and Tuscany, where up to 30% of the total injections were given to people who were not entitled to receive them.

Local authorities do this, “by considerably increasing the number of health and non-health operators who should be on the front line in hospitals and by giving priority to employees of so-called essential services”.

In the latter category, “anyone who wishes, from judges and lawyers to priests of Taranto, including young seminarians, is registered,” said La Repubblica.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Mario Draghi severely criticized those who try to get vaccinated without respecting the established order.

“With what conscience do these people skip the waiting list if they know that in this way they endanger people over 65 and those who are vulnerable?”, how.

The total of doses administered in Italy is 12.1 million, of which 3.7 million with the two doses, which represents 6.1% of the population, according to data collected by the portal OurWorldInData.


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