Some 30,000 cases of people having received three doses of vaccines are being investigated in Brazil – Telam


Among the cases that have occurred is that of a married couple from Belo Horizonte, who, after reaching the full guideline of Coronavac, traveled to Río Novo, also in the state of Minas Gerais, to receive a third dose of Pfizer.

Among the cases that have occurred is that of a married couple from Belo Horizonte, who after following the full Coronavac diet, traveled to Ro Novo, also in the state of Minas Gerais, to receive a third dose of Pfizer.

Authorities in 11 Brazilian states are investigating nearly 30,000 cases in which there have been irregularities in the coronavirus vaccination plan and a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine has been applied, local and international press reported on Sunday. .

At least 29,570 people received a third booster of the drug, while that 45% of the Brazilian population only had access to the first dose, estimated the University of Alagoas on the basis of the complaints that were filed with the various prosecutors.

In addition to those 11 states, health departments in four others have reported attempts by people who have been given two doses to get a third.

Among the most famous cases is that of A married couple from Belo Horizonte, who after reaching the full guideline from Coronavac, traveled to Ro Novo, also in the state of Minas Gerais, to receive a third from Pfizer.

The prosecutor of Minas Gerais lodged a complaint and Those involved could face a penalty of up to one million reais (approximately $ 192,000) if they are given a new dose.

This is not the only case reported by the state, and authorities are investigating another marriage that would have received up to four doses, according to the O Globo newspaper and the Europa Press news agency.

Those who commit this type of irregularity could face an offense of embezzlement or fraud, with monetary penalties and even pressure.

Despite the figures, the Ministry of Health claims to have received no news of these cases. Its owner, Marcelo Queiroga, settled the matter this week saying it was a “legal problem” and added: “My job is medicine.”


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