Some 500,000 users have used Banco Provincia discounts in supermarkets – Economy


About 500,000 residents of Buenos Aires last week used the 50% discount offered by Banco Provincia through their credit and debit cards at various supermarkets.

The average ticket for transactions made by the customers of the public bank was According to reports, 2093 pesos and the majority of those who benefited from the benefit have an income lower than 30,000 pesos.

Retirees, teachers, municipal officers, police and health workers among those who benefited the most from the benefit; Conurbano, Mar del Plata, Bahía Blanca and La Plata were the richest regions with the city of Buenos Aires

Like last year, the average ticket for transactions was 2093 pesos, with sixty percent of debit card transactions and the remaining 40 percent with credit cards.

"The benefit has a social perspective that responds to the proposal of Governor Maria Eugenia Vidal to put the Bank at the service of the Buenosairians," said Juan Curutchet, president of Banco Provincia.

On the first day of the promotion, on Wednesday, July 18, 60 percent of people who had access to the benefit have incomes below 30,000 pesos, the bank in a statement

About 70 percent of people who benefited from the benefit on the first day are retirees (they have increased over last year) and public sector employees. In this group, teachers stand out, followed by municipal employees, provincial workers, police officers, health workers and magistrates.

Curutchet states that it is also very important for the public company to offer benefits to its customers. so that every day more people choose us as their bank and also increase the use of alternative means of payment at cash. "

In this sense, the advantage implies an increase in the use of debit cards and bank credit Province Only on the first day of the promotion were activated more than 50,000 cards that had at less 30 days of inactivity

The parties of the first cordon of the Buenos Aires Conurbation such as Morón, Avellaneda and Olivos, were the most numerous, followed by Mar del Plata, from the city of Buenos Aires, Bahia Blanca, La Plata, Junín, Tandil, Pehuajó, Chivilcoy and Campana

Banco Provincia relaunched this month the 50% discount in supermarkets. "The advantage has been modified every month with the objective of improving the income of Buenos Aires and that more and more people are choosing us as their bank, "said the financial institution.

In this new stage , the bank is focused on food, soft drinks and products. its cleaning feature, with the added feature that Care program products from these categories were also included.

"The goal is to benefit in the necessities of life.For this we work with supermarket chains so that they can automatically discriminate the products included in the profit," said the bank

The benefit provides a 50% discount on the purchase of these selected products, with a refund cap of 1500 pesos and has a potential universe of 4.2 million people who have credit cards and debit de Banco Provincia

Following the promotion, in 2017 purchases of Banco Provincia with debit cards increased by 50%, while those made with credit were located 35.6% over 2016 .

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