Some 68 million girls may be victims of female genital mutilation before 2030


The United Nations on Wednesday urged governments to take steps to put an end to female bad mutilation, what he pointed out, it is a violation of human rights. In addition, he called for preventing the mutilation of tens of millions of girls by 2030.

According to the UN, at present less than 200 million girls and women have suffered bad mutilation and to prevent their numbers from escalating, they called on the governments of countries where the practice is extended to "develop national plans of action for l & # 39; eradicate"

United Nations Campaign against Female Genital Mutilation. (Georgina Goodwin for UNFPA)
United Nations Campaign against Female Genital Mutilation. (Georgina Goodwin for UNFPA)

Although the agency has noted that female bad mutilation is declining in many countries, "if it remains at current levels, rapid population growth in countries where this practice occurs, will dramatically increase the number of mutilated girls"

United Nations Campaign against Female Genital Mutilation. (UNFPA / Daniel Baldotto)
United Nations Campaign against Female Genital Mutilation. (UNFPA / Daniel Baldotto)

In fact, the calculations processed by the UN, published on its website, speak of some 68 million girls to be submitted mutilation by 2030.

United Nations Campaign against Female Genital Mutilation. (Georgina Goodwin for UNFPA)
United Nations Campaign against Female Genital Mutilation. (Georgina Goodwin for UNFPA)

With other organizations, from the main international organization, they indicated that the practice violates women's rights badual and reproductive health, among other rights.

United Nations Campaign against Female Genital Mutilation. (Kate Holt / UNICEF)
United Nations Campaign against Female Genital Mutilation. (Kate Holt / UNICEF)

They also pointed out that it was one of a kind "violation of medical ethics"as this entails risks: "Girls who have undergone female bad mutilation face short-term complications such as acute pain, traumatic conditions, severe bleeding, infections and difficulty in urinating, as well as long-term consequences for their badual and reproductive health Mental Health"

Alifya, victim of female bad mutilation. Campaign of the UN.
Alifya, victim of female bad mutilation. Campaign of the UN.

They also emphasized that local religious leaders must put an end to the myth that this practice can be maintained in the future. religion. "We need to provide more information to individuals and families about the benefits of abandoning female bad mutilation," they said.

The United Nations has the Population Fund and Children's Fund with which it operates the world's largest program to accelerate the elimination of this practice. "The program currently targets 17 countries in Africa and the Middle East and is also compatible with regional and global initiatives," they said.

The UN is conducting awareness campaigns and asking governments to take action. (AFP)
The UN is conducting awareness campaigns and asking governments to take action. (AFP)


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