Some teachers spoke badly about parents in a Zoom without knowing they were recording them


All members of the board of directors of a school in the northern california they had to resign after the whole educational community heard them talk about the evil of the parents of the pupils of the school.

On Wednesday last week, authorities were in a Zoom meeting they thought was private. As reported The Washington PostThey did not count on the fact that they themselves shared the access code on the school website. This allowed an anonymous user to enter the board meeting and record the first few minutes, during which managers have been sent off with offensive phrases against fathers and mothers who send their children to the facility.

The event occurred in the Oakley Union Elementary School from the region of San Francisco. After the first few minutes of the meeting, authorities realized there were “intruders” in the room and changed the meeting setup to be truly private. But it was too late. Thursday a fragment of the video was uploaded to YouTube and the fury of families and of society in general was complete. The Huffington Post indicates that the generated case a real national scandal in the United States.

Scoldings, ironies and insults that have gone viral

Most comments moved they targeted school parents: they want to be present again because they lack to have babysitters at home, that if they have their children with them, they cannot smoke marijuana as they wish and that it would be a good idea to mute the families of their students if they spend more than three minutes in joint meetings.

The broadcast of the video on YouTube, led by an anonymous user who expressed a wish for the school to be run by “better people”, triggered a storm of criticism and the repudiation which led to the resignation.

“I thought the board members were also defending my daughter’s interests. After the incident on Wednesday I thought they really weren’t doing it, ”complained Ashley Stalf, mother of a student at Oakley Union.

In this sense, hurt, she added: “They see us writing monthly, weekly letters to the members of the board of directors, in which we detail the stress and the pain caused by the distance courses. That they say we sit at home doing nothing and smoking marijuana is a far cry from the reality. “

Former board members sent a statement apologizing to the educational community. “We deeply regret based on the comments we made this week at the steering committee meeting. It is our responsibility to model the behavior that we expect from our students and employees and it is our duty to build confidence in our leadership. Our comments disappointed them on both counts, and for that we offer our sincere apologies, ”they wrote.


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