Son of a deputy K ran, killed and fled to Moreno


The son of the deputy of Unidad Ciudadana, Walter Correa crushed and killed a 22-year-old biker in Moreno. The event occurred Saturday at 3:30 am in the city of Paso del Rey. According to what happened Fabio Correa (30 years old) stole a truck from the young man, who died on the spot, and then escaped.

According to preliminary information, the police arrived at the place and found the body of the victim next to his motorcycle, a Honda XR250, lying on the asphalt. Neighbors of the area confirmed that a black Ford Eco Sport crushed the motorcyclist and, after a few minutes of braking, the truck driver ran away.

The victim was identified as Federico Alejandro Rearte 22 years old and originally from Moreno. Several hours later, Correa appeared in Section 5 of this match and confessed to being the author of the accident.

"He let him drop a puppy, he went away with impunity, arranged everything he wanted, then, like all the sons of power, he was is delivered when he thought so, "he said. the mother of the victim.

The police already had the patent for the vehicle, which had been left on the street after the accident and registered on behalf of the Union of Curtidores Workers, headed by Correa's father.

The case, which was described as culpable homicide, was in the hands of prosecutor Delia Ponte Corvo, of UFI No. 3 of Moreno, who had previously ordered to perform blood tests on the suspect to determine whether he was in a state of intoxication or under the influence of a drug. For their part, the official experts badyzed the truck, which was found in the house of the bride of Correa to try to determine the causes of the accident.

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