Sonny Bill Williams could not contain his tears when he was talking about the New Zealand massacre


The All Blacks figure, Sonny Bill Williams, decided to join Islam in 2011 after overcoming some of the problems with alcohol. As he himself has repeatedly recognized, this decision has changed his life and prompted him to get into the sport and help other people.

That's why the attack on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and that killed at least 49 people, the selected rugby center could not contain the tears to talk about what who has gone on their social networks.

The news from Christchurch makes my heart ache. Sending love and prayers to affected families

– Sonny Bill Williams (@SonnyBWilliams) March 15, 2019

"I just heard the news. I can not say how I feel now"He started, his voice choked and visibly dismayed."Send my duas (requests) to the families. I have just sent my duas to their loved ones"He continued.

Finally, the double world champion in 2011 and 2015 concluded sincerely: "Inshallah (God willing), you are all in heaven. I am deeply saddened that this is happening in New Zealand"


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