Sophia, the first citizen robot


Created in 2015 by Hanson Robotic Company, Sophia is the first robot to have citizenship, having been granted two years ago in Saudi Arabia. He even has a credit card. Your artificial intelligence system allows you to converse naturally with your interlocutors, react with irony and sometimes with remarkable complexity. In addition, he accompanies each of his speeches with facial gestures. This is the most human of robots.

Sophia was featured this Friday at the American Business Forum which was held in Punta del Este and was the main attraction. When he was placed on stage, a crowd gathered to take pictures of him. Then, the presenter arrived who, in English, asked him questions to which this robot answered one after the other.

He made political comments on the world situation by referring to the presidents of the United States, Donald Trump, and Russia, Vladimir Putin; and deplored the situation in Venezuela. There was also room for some of Sophia's more "personal" issues, such as her desire for friendship between the robot and humans, and her desire to fall in love. In any case, he said that even if he understands the feelings and emotions, he is not able to have them.

After the presentation to the public, Sophia attended the press and answered the journalists' questions. When asked if she could understand the humans working with her, she said yes, but "understanding and listening are different things." He also said that he had memories of everything he did and all his interactions with people. In this way, your knowledge of the world expands and in the future you will perfect your conversation.

During the video presentation, images were included in which Sophia met personalities such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the world of entertainment. He also delivered a historic speech to the United Nations.

It is still missing for robots to be an integral part of the daily lives of humans. But Sophia is a sign that, each time, it takes less.


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