Sopresivo rises from "Gente Gente" in FM Blue


Three weeks ago, the sale of FM Blue to Grupo América was confirmed, and a series of rumors began about various changes in programming. In this sense, Clemente Cancela announced the uprising of Gente Sexy one of the most successful programs of the station.

" The new owners of @ fmblue1007 m 'have informed that @gentebadyradio is not in his artistic plans . July 27th will be our last show after eight seasons .We are going to look for a new home in which to work for it to be only one until later.Thank you for the love, "said the driver in social networks.

Dolido, Clemente used the program to tell the air the sad novelty. "It's hard to give good news in this country lately, less in the media," he said. " We have a program that charges more than it costs, so we'll try to say it later ."

Recall that in March, the cycle underwent Joe Fernández accusations of denigrating and having bad with a minor .

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The new owners of @ fmblue1007 ] they told me that @gentebadyradio is not in their artistic plans. July 27 will be our last show after eight seasons. We are going to look for a new home in which to work for it to be only one until later. Thank you for the love.

– Clemente Cancela (@clementedeviaje) 3 July 2018

#RADIO > @ FmBlue1007 is already part of Group America and change its musicalización: all the "modern rock" like Arctic Monkeys and The Strokes was lowered and they were added artists like Bryan Adams, Whitney Houston, Rod Stewart and Celine Dion. Looking for an Aspen style

– Real-Time Evaluation ? (@RealTimeRating) 2 July 2018

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