Sorry images: drone captured mass cremations by coronavirus | the Chronicle


India has become the second country in the world hardest hit by the pandemic after the United States, Since this Saturday’s session has recorded a world record of more than 346,000 new infections and more than 2,000 deaths from coronavirus. However, the most dramatic of the day were the images generated by a drone in which massive cremations of bodies were seen.

With their dead, parents, who In addition to seeing how they burn their people in the middle of the streets, they are asking about $ 100, 20 times the normal rate. People like Madame Kumar that after having paid an exorbitant sum to burn his father, the crematorium they ran out of wood and even asked them to bring it themselves.

India is plunged into a second wave which is progressing at record speed, adding more than 100,000 daily cases in just one week, Data that contrasts with that of February, when the country was recording less than 10,000 cases per day and, hopefully, many believed the worst of the pandemic was already over.

The number of deaths from the coronavirus is also growing unstoppably, with 2,263 deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing the total since the start of the pandemic to 186,920, some deaths which are partly attributed to lack of oxygen in many hospitals.


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