South American Command Chief Craig Faller Donates $ 3.5 Million From Mobile Hospitals To Fight COVID-19


One of the donated hospitals (Photos: Adrián Escandar)
One of the donated hospitals (Photos: Adrián Escandar)

The Ministers of Health, Carla Vizzotti, and Defense, Agustin Rossi, staged today with the head of the United States Southern Command, Admiral Craig S. Faller receiving the three mobile hospitals for $ 3.5 million that the Defense Ministry gave Argentina. In addition to an aid, it is a approach gesture to the Alberto Fernández administration on behalf of the government of Joseph biden, critic of the regime in Venezuela. La Casa Rosada appreciated the donation.

Fall, new to Buenos Aires, heads the Pentagon unit that oversees most of the Latin America. His visit was planned before the controversy Argentina’s departure from the Lima Group, a decision that has been read in Washington as a form of support for the Venezuelan regime. Faller’s arrival in Buenos Aires represents a political signal from Biden in Argentina in the context of his interests in the region, especially in relation to the regime in Venezuela and the link with Russia and China.

Today's meeting went smoothly after Argentina left the Lima Group (courtesy Ministry of Defense)
Today’s meeting went smoothly after Argentina left the Lima Group (courtesy Ministry of Defense)

Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, Southern Command has worked closely with its Argentinian partners“Admiral Faller said at the ceremony alongside Vizzotti and Rossi.”Together, we made 15 COVID-related humanitarian aid donations to support Argentina’s response to the pandemic, by delivering protective equipment, medical supplies and monitoring and detection tools, ”he added.

This morning's ceremony between Vizzotti, Rossi and Admiral Fuller (courtesy Department of Defense)
This morning’s ceremony between Vizzotti, Rossi and Admiral Fuller (courtesy Department of Defense)

Donations consist of three field hospitals, oxygen generators, search and rescue teams, among other supplies intended for “the fight against COVID in Argentina”. As well as a “training on how to maximize the use of these hospitals in the event of a disaster or pandemic“.

Southern Command, based in Miami, control of American bases in Latin America (Guantánamo, included), and provides training, intelligence Yes military coordination to all regional armed forces in accordance with the recommendations of the State Department.

Adrian escandar
Adrian escandar

After the ceremony, US officials left the scene and those responsible for the protest of the meeting results were Ministers Rossi and Vizzotti. During a press conference in front of one of the field hospitals, already installed on the spot, they thanked the donation.

“Today is a very important day which values ​​the international collaboration and coordination of the national government to respond to this pandemic which has a very significant impact across the world. Countries are making huge efforts to minimize the impact of the pandemic, ”Vizzotti said. “I would like to thank the customs team for customs clearance of 50 tons of material. To the National Emergency Department, to the International Relations Department and to the staff of the Southern Command, ”added the Minister.

“We are very happy to receive this help, it will be very useful, not only for Defense but also for Health, as part of the fight against COVID or any emergency that could be suffered in a corner of Argentina, ”said Rossi.

After the meeting, Faller, who will be in Argentina for 48 hours and monitor diplomatic relations with China, Russia and Venezuela, will address Tierra del Fuego with his entourage and where he will visit a civil defense center and then return.

I continued to read:

Gesture of the United States with Alberto Fernández: Biden sends the head of the southern command to Argentina
Who is Craig Faller, Biden’s envoy to Argentina: he fought the Taliban and rejected a military coup against Maduro

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