South Korea will donate a frigate to the navy (this will be for a patrol)


The offered ship is part of the first set of 4 units built in the 80s by Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering. The South Korean Navy began canceling them from 2014.

The design is a lightweight 2300 ton displacement frigate with capacity for anti-ship and anti-submarine missions, equipped with 2 quadruple Harpoon missile launchers. It has a length of 103.7 meters, a maximum speed of 34 no autonomy of 8000 nautical miles (15 000 km) at 16 knots (30 km / h), the plant consists of two gas turbines LM 2500 of General Electric (GE) and two diesel engines (cruise) MTU 16V 538 TB82 in a combined diesel or gas (CODOG) configuration. It is known that the ship retains only two 76mm guns and four 30mm guns, missile launchers and badociated systems, and torpedo tubes, were removed. Without the original firepower, it remained in a configuration similar to that of a modest ocean patrol boat, which would complement the control and surveillance capabilities of the maritime coast that the Navy has recovered with the purchase of 4 modern French-made units. Before approving the Korean offer, experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs badyze information to determine whether the installed equipment may compromise the country's strategic independence in finding spare parts or renewal of components. The question of Malvinas remains a silent obstacle vis-à-vis suppliers of British origin.

The specialized publication Jane's Navy International revealed in early January 2018 that the South Korean Navy had released the third frigate of the Ulsan clbad, registered under the name of Chungnam, under number FF-953.

The descent of the frigates began in 2014 and gave its name to the series: Ulsan FF-951, then in 2015 the second unit was withdrawn; Seoul FF-952 and the third; The Chungnam FF-953 of recent deprogramming would be the one that would be chosen to be given to the Creole Navy. The deactivation also affected two Po Hang clbad corvettes. One of them is under discussion to be transferred to the Peruvian Navy, which had already received one of the same clbad in 2015. South Korea, in the manner of what it is. The United States gives the countries of interest liberated fighting means to capture the foreign military market and align their policies. Three years before the surrender of these corvettes, the Air Force of Peru has signed a contract with Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) for the purchase of 20 KT training aircraft -1. The contract established a social and industrial compensation (compensation) program for the co-production of 16 aircraft by the state-owned company Seman Perú (similar to that of Cordoban FAdeA), as well as a simulator and technology transfer for UAVs. KAI has also been eyeing the country, head of the aerospace industry Enrique Amreim with its flagship product, the jet trainer and the FA-50 Golden Eagle light attack (see annex).


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