South Korean and Indian laboratories producing Sputnik V still do not have Argentina in their export plans


The national government is trying to bet on diplomatic channels with South Korea and India to advance the arrival of a larger quantity of Sputnik V vaccines, since both countries have laboratories that produce them. “They will not come from Russia, they will come from India and Korea,” said Ginés González García some time ago.

But as they made it clear from both places, and despite the good relations they have with our country, they still do not have plans to export to Argentina because they must first advance on others. Questions.

“During the meeting we had with the minister, we did not talk about Sputnik V, because our government has just announced our vaccination plan which starts in February, so it is too early to talk about vaccine exports. to other countries “said a spokesperson for the South Korean embassy on the Infobae portal.

Dinesh Battia, Argentine Ambassador to India, could not give details on this subject. “Sputnik V is not yet approved in India by regulatory authorities, so we cannot know where Dr Reddy’s will export.”, indicated in relation with the Indian laboratory.

Dr Reddy’s Laboratories (DRL) just received approval from the regulatory body, the Drug Enforcement General of India (DCGI), on January 15, to conduct the Phase 3 clinical trial of Sputnik V.


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