South Korean archer won three gold medals at Tokyo 2020, but suffers misogynist attacks in her country


The South Korean archer An San experience a bittersweet moment. On the one hand, she won three gold medals at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 and placed her country’s flag at the top, but apparently there are a lot of men who do not forgive her overt feminism and have stood up for it. spent the last few hours doing it. victim of misogynistic attacks in social networks.

Just for expressing her demands for a more just and equitable society on gender issues, and even for her haircut, An San has received numerous aggressive comments and posts on his Instagram profiles and other networks he manages.

The attackers accuse him of hating the male sex, using as an argument for their intolerant actions who wears short hair or who has used certain phrases in their online profiles that are associated with feminism and criticism of patriarchy in South Korea.

Several politicians from different parties Friday condemned the attacks that An San suffered.

A San in full competition.  Photo Alessandra Tarantino / AP

A San in full competition. Photo Alessandra Tarantino / AP

“To unilaterally define a way of thinking based on appearance or origin and attack certain ideas in order to criticize indiscriminately is a case of extreme madness and amounts to a hate crime», We can read on the Facebook profile of parliamentarian Woo Won-shik, of the Democratic Party (PD) in power.

Woo recalled that athlete Park Hee-moon, who also competed in Tokyo 2020, shooting with a 10-meter air rifle, is another athlete who receives this type of cowardly assaults and that as a father of a daughter, it breaks your heart to see these behaviors.

In An’s case, some of these critics even called the Korea Archery Association (KAA) to ask you to return your medals, in such an unusual and reprehensible initiative.

These attacks in turn resulted in the reposting of thousands of posts on the KAA website. asking that the archer be protected.

A San celebrating one of his gold medals.  Photo Clodagh Kilcoyne / Reuters

A San celebrating one of his gold medals. Photo Clodagh Kilcoyne / Reuters

On the other hand, MP Sim Sang-jeung, from the Minority and Progressive Justice Party (PJ), defended An on Twitter and asked the Korean Olympic and Sports Committee respond forcefully to these attacks.

Misogyny and anti-feminism are a widespread phenomenon in South Korea, a country that occupies the 102nd out of 156 in the latest Global Gender Gap Report.

Surveys in recent years indicate that these tendencies are even more common among young men (Between 50% and 75% of South Korean men between the ages of 20 and 40 consider themselves anti-feminists.)

In a survey two weeks ago, 61% of men consulted (and 35% of women) approved the closure of the Ministry of Gender EqualityAn idea recently proposed by the leader of the People’s Power Party (PPP), conservative and opponent, Lee Jun-seok, a declared anti-feminist who at 36 seems to be channeling these tendencies.

An San was the champion in mixed competition, women’s team archery and in Argentina’s Friday morning she also won the individual final. He has won everything he has played, but dreams of being able to contribute to his country more than a good position on the medal table, defending gender equality in a company that is far from hanging this medal.

With information from the EFE



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