Soy brewed US $ 300 in Chicago, its lowest value since September


Drilled soybeans the floor of the US $ 300 on the Chicago market, due to the reactivation of tensions between the United States and China, which kept the market in suspense and thus reached its lowest value since September of last year.

May and July contracts fell by 0.42% ($ 1.29) to $ 299.19 and $ 303.96 per tonne, respectively, given operators' "uncertainty" over 39 progress of negotiations between the United States and China on the basis of the trade dispute that the two have maintained since last year.

The same thing has been accentuated in recent days, before the statements condemned Sunday by US President Donald Trump, in which he warned of his intention to raise the $ 200 billion tariff. Americans on products from China.

Despite warnings from the US president, which led to a sharp decline in global markets, the delegations of the two powers will have a final round of talks Thursday and Friday in Washington DC.

In addition, today, it was learned that "the Ministry of Commerce of China would take measures retaliation if the US raises tariffs on Chinese imports on Friday, "said the Rosario Stock Exchange (BCR) in its daily badysis of activity in Chicago.

In addition to "uncertainty" in the market during the day, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) forecast in its next report would increase the soy stock In the United States, with nearly one million tonnes and more than 25 million tonnes, they have put pressure on the value of oilseeds.

The oil accompanied the fall of the bean, with a decrease of 0.37% ($ 2.20) to 588.84 USD per tonne, while the flour increased by 0.09% (0.03 USD) and it stood at 318.2 USD per tonne. In contrast, maize fell by 0.76% (US $ 1.08) and was at the close of the session at US $ 139.86 per tonne, in response to favorable weather forecasts for corn planting in the United States. .

"We are expecting a return of dry weather in the American Midwest over the next few days, which nurtures the hope that farmers will be able to move forward with the planting of the currently available cereal crop. . significant delays by excessive soil moisture ", indicated in the BCR.

Finally, wheat gained 0.17% ($ 0.28) in its closest contract and closed at $ 158.46 per tonne as a result of hedging positions sold by investment funds. that for the rest of the futures contracts, a downward trend prevailed.


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