Soy import record: in 2018, Argentina bought three times more than the previous year – 02/11/2019


In an unusual situation, soybean imports reached 6.63 million euros. in 2018 and more than tripled the volume acquired the previous year, according to broker Zeni, one of the leading granary market operators in our country.

It should be recalled that the water deficit of the previous season had reduced the harvest from 55 to 35 million tons, a difference that the factories installed mainly in the Gran Rosario were supplying goods from other countries.

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The supplier par excellence was Paraguay after a favorable agronomic campaign, it expanded its exportable balance and was mainly transported to the Argentine territory. In any case, its participation was reduced to 62% of total purchases, while it usually comfortably exceeded 90% of the total.

But the novelty was the mbadive income of beans from the United States; An origin is not usual.

The particularity of the 2017/18 campaign comes from the combination of two determining factors: On the one hand, the 40% drop in the Argentinean harvest after severe drought last summer and, subsequently, the significant growth in the gap between US origin prices and US fob prices, as a result of trade war between China and the United States

Thus, from April, the first companies that arrived in our country in June were completed. During the year, US soybean intake was 1.78 million euros. and 81% was concentrated in the fourth quarter of 2018. In this sense, USA explains 27% of annual imports.

With more distance, third place on the podium is occupied by Brazil that, on the 83.85 embarcaciones to various destinations – mainly China – ran about 615,079 tons. to our country in the period from March to October inclusive.

The largest download volumes are published in November and March with 964,608 tonnes. and 943.212 tn. respectively. The difference between the two months lies in the origin of the goods. In the last month of the year, entries from the United States were predominant. (70%) in March imports were explained by Paraguay (94%).

At the other extreme, the lowest amount was recorded in January with just under 1% of year-round purchases, which corresponds to 31,211 tonnes.

It must be remembered that just over three years ago, the authorities eased the beans' income in other countries, to be used as inputs in the industry and then sold abroad in the form of flours, pellets and oils. MB


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