Soybean rebounded 1.3% and closed at $ 304.80


Soy bounced Monday and gained 1.3% to $ 304.80 per ton in the Chicago market. Corn, meanwhile, rose 0.1% to US $ 134.54 and wheat 1.7% to US $ 179.50.

Oilseeds recovered after reaching their lowest level in almost a decade on Friday because of the impact of the trade war between China and the United States. Maize has also increased and wheat has declined.

"Brokers are realizing that the price of soybeans has fallen too much," said Dax Wedemeyer of US Commodities.

Against a backdrop of heightened trade sanctions between the two powers, China recently reacted to the United States by imposing tariffs of 25% on hundreds of US products, including soybeans [19659003] nearly a quarter of its value, offsetting rates. " Currently, Wedemeyer has added," it is so low that it should encourage the restoration of exports. "

Between its highest level of the year, reached in March, and the most low since 2008, recorded on Friday, the price of D other hand, the price of wheat fell after the rains expected in Russia over the weekend, according to badysts of CHS Hedging.

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