Soybeans advance slightly by 0.3% to US $ 317.56


Soybeans advance Thursday by 0.3% hot Wednesday at $ 317.56 per ton in the Chicago market. Meanwhile, corn gained 0.8% to US $ 142.71 and wheat yielded 0.2% to US $ 199.06, after shooting more than 6% the day before.

Crop futures hit eight-week highs yesterday because of worries on crop yields in the world's major producing areas, traders said.

Maize reached its highest level in more than three weeks. Maize has also been supported by fears that dry weather will limit crop yields in parts of the Midwest.

Soybean futures closed slightly higher due to technical purchases that pushed up prices. prices after the market has moved into negative territory.

The soft red winter wheat of Chicago climbed 6.2 percent, its highest percentage of daily increase since May 14, 2015. Prices have briefly reached the daily fluctuation limit of 35 cents.

Consulting firm Strategie Grains has again reduced its estimates for the EU's soft wheat crop this year, which is expected to reach less than 130 million tonnes. This would represent the lowest cereal output in the 28-member bloc since 2012, badyst Laurine Simon told Reuters.

In Russia, the world's largest exporter of wheat, yields are close to the lowest in three years. SovEcon Agricultural

The soybean market was supported by President Donald Trump's government plan to provide up to $ 12 billion in aid to protect farmers from economic problems resulting from trade disputes.

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