Spain: a man climbs to the second floor and …


Camilo Medina, 24 years, is the protagonist of the week in Calahorra, Spain, for preventing an old woman from falling into the void from the balcony of his house. The young psychology student did not hesitate to climb two floors to save the 80-year-old woman who had been left hanging from a railing on her terrace.

Medina was in his parents’ business, near the apartment building where the woman lives, when he was alerted by screams from neighbors and passers-by with pleas for help. “I was there with my mother when my father walked in saying that a lady was about to fall from the balcony.“Medina told the local press.

The owners of a nearby bar had removed the terrace from the street and the young man’s father had placed his van just below the balcony where the woman was standing. Thus, in the event of a fall, the blow would be less. But it was not enough. Reason why the young man decided to act.

I remembered the ladder we have in the store and decided I had to climb up to get my grandma inside the house “the young man remembered. “I remember my father told me not to do it, that he was crazy, but I think I cut the volume of the brain because from that moment I didn’t hear anything anymore “, he added.

As can be seen in the video, by means of the staircase, Medina went up to the first floor and from there he went up to the second, where the elderly woman was. Once at the top, He took her away from the abyss and took her inside the house. In there, he tried to reassure her through breathing exercises. He was practically unable to converse with her as she was of Romanian origin and did not understand the language.

The woman was alone in the house, where she lives with her daughter, her son-in-law and a granddaughter. After the event, the police attempted to enter the house, but it was impossible, as the lock was locked from the outside and Medina could not find a set of keys to use.

Finally, officers informed a relative who worked at a nearby bar and within 20 minutes the son-in-law appeared. Open the door, the woman could be transferred to the hospital.

Despite the fact that the young man tried to subtract the heroism from his performance, acknowledging that “he did it on impulse”, he won the recognition of all the residents of the neighborhood. Additionally, the video of the rescue went viral within hours, so the recognition extended beyond the city limits of Riojan.


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