Spain: A woman has committed suicide after broadcasting a sexual video


An employee of an Iveco factory in Spain has committed suicide this weekend after an intimate video of her began to spread among her colleagues.

The local prosecutor's office is investigating the fact that the bad clip began to be shared by WhatsApp without the consent of the protagonist. This is a bad video recorded five years ago.

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The woman, identified as "V", 32 years old and mother of two young children, was employed in the truck manufacturing plant of the San Blas-Canillejas district of Madrid. The prosecutor of the computer crime room, Elvira Tejada, has asked a report to the national police to determine if certain facts could constitute a crime, according to tax sources cited by the agency EFE. The Spanish Agency for Data Protection has also initiated actions of the office.

For now, the crime of "badting" – sharing bad videos – would not have been committed without a complaint from the affected party.

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According to police sources, they "take the necessary measures to clarify what has happened". They badyze the video to know when and how it filtered, who did it and who shared it. also if it is a former couple of the deceased or herself who, by mistake, first broadcast these intimate images, reported the newspaper El País.

The suicide occurred last Saturday, after the video broadcast through private messages and WhatsApp groups. Two companions told the Antena 3 Public Mirror program that the woman feared that the footage, recorded before the wedding, would reach her husband, which apparently took place on Friday.

The facts were brought to the attention of the management of the company last Thursday, which he considered as a personal matter and not as a business case. He decided to take no action, according to the union.

According to some media, the human resources department urged the woman to report what happened, as this could constitute a crime against privacy, but she refused to do so. The company declined to make statements about the event and neither confirms nor denies anything.


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