Spain: A woman has committed suicide after the viralization of a sexual video


The case sparked a heated debate in the Spanish media and also Strong controversy around bullfighter Fran Rivera, who officiates as a panelist of the program Public Mirror

"There is a maxim, that I say to my eldest daughter, and that is You can not send videos of this type. She is not guilty, she is a victim. It's not like a man is making a video like that, but men, and I say it because I am a man, we can not have a video like that and not teach it. To all girls, women, do not send videos of this kindRivera said and immediately began to be disowned social networks.

To integrate

Spain. A woman has committed suicide after viralizing a badual video among her colleagues. Meanwhile, on television, the bullfighter and editorialist (?) Fran Rivera blamed the victim because "men can not have a video like this and do not teach it".

– Sebastian Volterri (@SebaVolte) May 29, 2019

To integrate

He must have arrived Fran Rivera for us to understand him. Let's be wise and be careful with what we do because a man can not see a video "like that" and not teach it. This is not an innocent stupidity, it is the speech that blames women for hiding machismo.

– Irene Montero (@Irene_Montero_) May 29, 2019

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Fran Rivera says that "a man who sees such a video is unable to not teach it" (reference to the bad video of the worker who has committed suicide). For men like him, it is understood and admitted as truth that men lack respect and harbad women because "they are like that".

– Bebi Fernández (@bebi_fernandez) May 29, 2019

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Hearing Fran Rivera's thoughts on Iveco and Veronica is what was already sorely lacking. I will always say that it's better to shut up and look silly than open mouth and confirm it.

– JoeBlack (@Adrian__Vega) May 29, 2019

To integrate

No, Fran Rivera, you are wrong. A man is able to receive a badual video without broadcasting it. What happens is that to do it, you have to be that: a man, not a shit.

– Sara (@tantozapato) May 29, 2019

To integrate

Fran Rivera: "Men, we are men and we can not have such a video and not show it". Talk about the worker who has committed suicide.
I correct you:
The machirulos and the unga unga men are not able to not teach it. The men of the society we want, yes.

– Javier Castillo (@JavierCordura) May 29, 2019

To integrate

Fran Rivera is the demonstration that machismo has nothing to do with being a man.

– Carlos Bardem Oficial (@carlosbardem) May 29, 2019

To integrate

Fran Rivera on Iveco: "Men, I am a man and I say it, we can not have such a video and not show it"

Lie Speak for you You do not speak for all men. (Of) Let's learn, let's educate ourselves, prove that being a man can be something

– Pablo Padilla (@MaesePads) May 29, 2019

The woman who committed suicide worked as a crane operator at an Iveco truck factory in San Fernando de Henares, a suburb of Madrid.

Police opened the investigation office, the deceased did not file a complaint for the video. The agents are trying to elucidate who leaked the pictures and if the woman could be harbaded for this reason by some people from the company where she was working. At the moment, there are no detainees.

Meanwhile, the CCOO union will report to Iveco Labor Inspectorate for not having activated the protocol against badual harbadment.

The union said that he had contacted the woman when he had learned of the facts and explained the steps that she could take to defend herself. He also denounced that Iveco knew since May 23 that this woman had been harbaded by a partner and nothing to avoid it. "

"The company decided to look elsewhere and take no action, claiming that it was a personal matter and not a working environment," insisted CCOO after the representation of the industry union in Iveco accompanied Verónica to a meeting with the company. During this meeting, the car company was informed of what had happened and who would have initiated the distribution of a document.Ido.


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