Spain abolishes mandatory chinstrap use – News


The decision to remove the compulsory use of the mask will be officially taken next Thursday in the extraordinary Council of Ministers.

Spain has already administered more than 34 million doses. A total of 22,048,919 people received at least one dose, or 46.5% of Spaniards.

While 13,301,010 people have already received the full directive. This represents 28 percent of the Spanish population.

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The same measure has been taken by France, which has since removed the compulsory use of the chinstrap outside on Thursday and the curfew will be lifted next Sunday.

Remember that the vaccination campaign in Europe began on December 27. From that date, Spain began administering doses of the vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech, to which were then added those of AstraZeneca, Moderna and Janssen.


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