Spain: Another detainee for hate crime in Galicia | He is the fourth suspect to have beaten Samuel Luiz to death in La Coruna last Saturday


Nail the fourth person was arrested in Spain for the beat the murder of Samuel Luiz, a young homosexual, in the Galician town of Corunna. Last Tuesday, three young people – two boys and a girl – were arrested as alleged perpetrators of the crime of the young man, a 24-year-old nursing assistant who was beaten to death last Saturday in this Galician town.

The fourth detainee is a boy between 20 and 25 years old, suspected of homicide for homophobia. The young man, according to the police, is “friend of the three others”, and like these, “did not know the victim”. According to the AFP agency, the authorities have not yet dared to assert that, not knowing the victim, it was a homophobic crime and they are keeping “all hypotheses open”.

Beyond the precaution of investigation – which should always happen and does not happen – not knowing the victim is not an argument to generate doubt, since for a homophobic crime proximity is not necessary since hatred is unleashed what this person represents by his difference to those who hate differences. And a good deal of homophobic assault occurs during random encounters, often on the streets, as in this case, and between complete strangers.

Nor could it be said as a motivation that the terrible blows that resulted in death were triggered because the victim had filmed them, but rather based on the previous logic of the attackers that the only response to any act is to beat someone to death.

Samuel Luiz, a Brazilian father born in Brazil, was beaten in the street by several people over 200 meters and the rescue services were unable to revive him after the beatings received, so he died on Saturday morning.

According to the first elements of the autopsy, he died of a serious head injury caused by a kick to the head, local press reported. The crime sparked outrage in Spain and generated protests of rejection in Madrid and La Coruña, just as LGTB Pride week had just been celebrated. His closest circle, made up of friends and family, assures us that the attackers acted out of pure homophobia and attacked him by shouting “queer”.


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