Spain did not form a government and the king calls for new elections – Viva radio


King Felipe VI will not propose to Socialist Pedro Sánchez to be invested in the presidency of the government after making sure that he does not have sufficient support in Parliament and will convene new ones. elections for November 10th.

The Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), led by the current President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has not reached an agreement with the other parties to obtain a parliamentary majority, despite attempts by Podemos.

"After receiving the information from the representatives appointed by the political groups in the Parliament represented in the consultations, he verified that there was no candidate with the necessary support for the Congress of Deputies, if any give your trust, "reports Casa Real's statement.

The PSOE won the elections of 28 April with 28.67% of the vote (123 seats), followed by 16.69% of the People's Party (66 seats), citizens with 15.86% (57 seats) and Podemos. reaches 11.97% (35 seats) among the main parties.

Despite the advantage, the Socialists had to negotiate with the other parties for a 176-seat parliamentary majority.

In this way, the interim governments will meet for two consecutive years and Spain is preparing for the fourth nomination at the polls of the last four years.

Adrián Cragnolini report.


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