Spain, France and Belgium refuse to postpone Brexit and are ready to leave without agreement – 04/05/2019


The Prime Minister Theresa May does not succeed with your flexible extension request to delay the Brexit until June 30 or leave before, if you get approval from Parliament. France reiterated its opposition to an extension if Britain did not present "a concrete plan with clear support from the House of Commons". Holland, Spain and Belgium joined. These countries are ready for a "no deal" next week, according to the diplomatic cable leaked from the summit of 27.

They could extend the game "a few weeks to avoid a financial crisis and prepare ourselves in front of the markets ", according to the French diplomat who drafted the document.

This position leaves May out in the open. It must opt ​​for the no, which the Parliament prevents and voted against, or the revocation of Article 50, which triggered the divorce between the EU and the kingdom, to definitively stop the Brexit. The latter is a unilateral British decision, which does not have to consult the Europeans and could leave Britain in the Union. A petition of six million people on the British parliamentary site requires it. A No Agreement or a No Brexit are still the British alternatives.

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The opposition of some European countries complicates Conservative Prime Minister May. It came after the Labor Party accused the government of "failing to engage or change" during negotiations to end the Brexit paralysis on Friday, the third day of its negotiations.

For the French diplomat who drafted the leaked document "there is no single argument in favor of the extension in the letter" of Theresa May and states that "an extension is a danger for the person." ;Europe".

Amélie de Monthalin, a young and flamboyant French secretary for European affairs, said that "the European Union made a clear decision on March 21. Great Britain must also present a plan with clear and credible political support". He added, "As Prime Minister Theresa May has written, this is not in the best interests of Britain or the European Union, we can not allow this to continue."

According to the official who took office this week, the Council of Europe, at the summit of April 10, must decide the conditions necessary for this extension. "In the absence of such a plan, we must recognize that Britain has chosen to leave the European Union in a haphazard manner," he said.

France is disturbed by the influence that Brexitiers Eurosceptics will participate in the European election campaign if Britain stays and participates in the May elections. The aristocrat Jacob Rees Moss, eurosceptic and leader of the European Research Center Euroesceptics (EEG), said that "the government should disrupt the European Union from the inside if there was a larger extension ".

Emmanuel Macron he wonders if before the possibility that may fall, the new British Prime Minister with whom they must negotiate is Breeders Boris Johnson or Jacob Rees Moss. France wants to push for European reforms in the election campaign. The risk is that eurosceptics produce paralysis or their veto, if they are kept within the EU.

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The tough French position contrasts with the proposal of the President of the Council of Europe, Donald Tusk, who had suggested "a flexible extension of one year until 31 March 2020", with the possibility of leaving before the divorce agreement with Europe was ratified by Parliament, he called the plan more reasonable. There are not many European leaders who support Tusk's position against France's intransigence. in London as well as Holland, its best ally in Europe.

France's conditioning in Britain joins Labor's accusations, which was on its third day of negotiations with the May government to break the Brexit paralysis.

At the end of the meeting, a Labor spokesperson said, "We are disappointed that the government is not offering real change or commitment." We urge the Prime Minister to move forward with real changes in its agreement and strive to find an alternative that can win the support of Parliament and unify the country. "

Workers want to add a customs union, alignment to the single market, workers' rights and a vote of confirmation by referendum of the consensus agreement. May does not want to open her contract. A position that Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon had already noted in his dialogue.

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Sir Starmer, secretary of Brexit in the shadow of the Labor Party and negotiating party, said that "until now, the government is proposing no change to the agreement. We have written to the government, but we need change if we want to make a commitment, "he said. He also said that the agreement should be supported by unions and businessmen.

The idea of ​​a "confirmation referendum" of the agreement has not been ruled out by European Council President Donald Tusk, when he proposed a "flexible" extension "of a year for the British exit from the EU. Nobody knows how this proposal could be adopted by the House of Commons, with a completely divided conservative party and this is opposed to another request.

Tired of this paralysis, frightened by the uncertainty, 47% of Britons are willing to participate in European elections that involve an extension of the departure date of the European Union but 26% are willing to boycott them. If they are forced to choose between a no agreement, Theresa May agreement or a long extension with the European elections included, 41% prefer a no agreement, 35% a long extension with elections included and 15% do not do not know, according to a survey conducted Friday by Sky News.

In the letter to Donald Tusk asking for an extension, May informed him that Britain would now begin preparations for the European elections. This is why the EU has set the departure date as April 12th. The registrations of the European candidates are closed the next day.

Paris, correspondent


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