Spain has already approved pardons for independents …


President Pedro Sanchez officially announced that the Spanish government pardoned the nine Catalan independence leaders who were sentenced to prison for the 2017 independence process. “It is the best decision for Catalonia and Spain, and the most in line with the spirit of harmony and coexistence of the Constitution” of this country, alleged the president.

The measure Sánchez anticipated yesterday during a visit to the city of Barcelona was taken after the issue was discussed at the Council of Ministers which met this morning at the seat of the Spanish government.

During this meeting “the reasons for and against the pardon measure were weighed, the Executive considered that there are reasons of public utility “to make a decision in this regard, explained the president.

The “reasons of public utility” alleged by the Council of Ministers “have to do with the need to restore coexistence and harmony within Catalan society and within Spanish society as a whole ”, declared the Spanish president.

Once this axis is resolved, the government “has agreed to grant pardon to the nine convicted in the process of the process who remain in prison”, confirmed Sánchez and specified that This measure “does not call into question” the grounds on which the Supreme Court condemned the leaders accused of sedition.

For this reason, the graces are partial, not totals. “We are commuting prison sentences but the penalties of disqualification for all convicted persons are maintained“To hold public office,” said the Spanish president.

Likewise, he added, “all pardons are conditional on not committing serious crimes within a specified time. Otherwise it would have no effect ”.

This measure, he said, “Does not require beneficiaries to change their minds”, because “they were not sanctioned for their ideas but for their acts contrary to democratic legality”.

“Spanish society wants a European Catalonia that is prosperous, plural, united and endowed with a high degree of autonomy. Catalonia without Spain would be neither European, nor prosperous, nor plural. This is our conviction, ”Sánchez stressed in a brief statement to the press and without asking any questions.

During this intervention, the president has repeatedly called for “concord” policy between the central and regional governments of a country crossed by secessionist attempts of which Catalonia was not the exclusive case.

In this sense, Sánchez underlined in his message that his government will work “for understanding and never for confrontation”. “We intend to open a new time for dialogue, to build bridges of harmony between people far from politics but who cannot ignore each other.”

Too appealed to the Spanish right-wing and far-right opposition, who severely criticized the pardon given to Catalan leaders and even staged protests weeks ago when the measure was just a rumor.

“We want to open a new stage of dialogue, of reunion, and to end once and for all the division and the confrontation. Democracy is demonstrating its greatness and now is the right time for those who question it to demonstrate theirs.Sánchez launched.

The benchmark of People’s Party (PP) and president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, yesterday accused the Spanish president of being an “accomplice” of the Catalan independence movement.

In addition, earlier this month, hundreds of Spaniards demonstrated in Plaza Colón in Madrid at the call of right-wing parties. VOX, People’s Party and Citizens.


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