Spain has extended the quarantine requirement for travelers from Argentina


Spain decided this Saturday to keep in force the obligation to fulfill a 10 days of quarantine for the Travelers from six countries in Latin America and Africa, including Argentina and Brazil. The measurement is one of those taken for the coronavirus pandemic.

Travelers from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Namibia and South Africa will have to comply with a 10-day quarantine from entering Spain, as they are considered countries of “high risk” by levels of contagion.

This is established by an order of the Spanish Ministry of Health, which was first created on July 23 and is now extended until August 23.

“A high-risk country is taken into account by jointly evaluating the main epidemiological indicators used for this purpose at European Union level. criteria considered include the cumulative incidence per 100,000 inhabitants in fourteen days, the positivity rate, rate of diagnostic tests or rate of vaccinated population “, indicates the official text of the Spanish government.

The regulation, which was published this Saturday in the Official Journal of Spain, is described as ” highly effective measure in controlling imported cases“the decision to ask travelers” for a full vaccination certificate, a certificate of a diagnostic test for active infection with a negative result carried out before arrival in Spain or a certificate of recovery from COVID-19 and application quarantine “.

“TO people in quarantine are actively monitored, which also facilitates that in the event of a suspicion of COVID-19, the referral mechanisms to the health authorities are activated ”, specifies the official text.

In addition, he explains that this control allowed “ early detection of imported cases and limitation of transmission in the community, thus avoiding the appearance of new cases and secondary foci, a particularly important aspect if they come from countries where particularly worrying variants are distributed ”.

Spain has extended the obligation to carry out a 10-day lockdown for travelers from countries considered to be "high risk" epidemiological.  Photo: DPA

Spain has extended the obligation to carry out a 10-day lockdown for travelers from countries considered to be at “high epidemiological risk”. Photo: DPA

With 4.5 million cases of coronavirus and 82,000 deaths, Spain is one of the countries that has suffered the most from the consequences of the pandemic in Europe.

At the same time, near the 60% of the Spanish population is fully vaccinated against covid-19, which has led to a drastic drop in the number of deaths.

The situation in Argentina

Argentina on Friday became the eighth country to exceed five million cases of coronavirus. This was reported by the Nation’s Department of Health, after reporting 13,549 new infections in the past 24 hours.

In addition, the health portfolio has reported 190 more deaths, which has already reached 107,213 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

With a total of 5,02,951 positives to date, Argentina is the second most infected country in Latin America, surpassed only by Brazil, with 20 million. And in the world it is lower than in Turkey (5.8 million cases), United Kingdom (6 million), France (6.2), Russia (6.4), India (31.8) and the United States (36.3).

With information from AFP



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