Spain has passed 4 million cases and incidence has skyrocketed due to the Delta variant


Regarding the cumulative incidence of cases per 100,000 inhabitants, this Tuesday 436.75 were notified, against 368.03 the day before. This measurement is considered the greatest indicator of the course of the disease in the country and on June 23, after six consecutive weeks of decline, it has fallen to 92 cases.

However, since that date and coinciding with the greater mobility of young people after the school break, the incidence has continued to increase daily, mainly among the unvaccinated, who are also the youngest, at the moment. In fact, among young people aged 20 to 29, the incidence is 1421.40 cases.

Coinciding with this peak in infections, already considered a hello fifth and also called “the wave of youth“, closely linked to the Delta variant, the Spanish regions are starting to resume restrictions. This is the case of the Valencian Community, which imposed curfews by municipalities, and Catalonia, which banned all activity after midnight and limited meetings to ten people.

Regarding the vaccination rate, 46.7% of the population is fully immune, while 59.5% have at least one dose.

In addition, Minister Darias, who confirmed that in a month and a half, 70% of the Spanish population will be immunized -in accordance with the objective set by the Government- reported in addition to the flight restriction extension from Brazil and South Africa until July 20.

Before a congressional committee, the official announced that pharmacies will start selling self-diagnostic tests for the coronavirus without a prescription, but must take action at Council of Ministers for pre-approval.

The objective is “increase the diagnostic capacity of the National Health System in order to try to identify more quickly suspected positive or even asymptomatic cases“, especially among young people, he explained.

The sale of Covid-19 diagnostic tests without a prescription was an old claim of the Spanish Autonomous Communities, which during the pandemic co-managed the measures to be adopted with the central government. However, its approval at that time was justified by Darias since “until recently we had no tests other than for professional use”.

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