Spain: justice has banned demonstrations by …


The Madrid Superior Court of Justice confirmed this Sunday on ban on all street demonstrations called for 8M, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, due to the “high risk” of contagion from the coronavirus.

The court made the ruling in five resolutions released this afternoon denying individual appeals by unions and feminist organizations against the ban established by the government delegation in Spain’s capital.

The judges understood that “in the present circumstances”, the exercise of the right of assembly “was in conflict with constitutional values ​​and values, such as public health. and, more precisely, the health, the integrity and the life of the people, which must prevail over this one ”.

The decisions supported the arguments of the government delegation, on the understanding that the steps involve “a serious risk to public health and for the people, both for the protesters themselves and for others who might accidentally come into contact with them ”.

Likewise, the court ruled that the appeals “do not offer specific and adapted security measures ensure that when the participants are concentrated the necessary minimum social distance is maintained or prevent some people from being able to remove the mask ”.

Declined steps

In the decision that resolves the appeal of the Feminist Commission 8M to organize a march in Majadahonda between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m., in the Parque de Colón, the magistrates rejected that their decision implies “discrimination based on sex and they underlined that “the fundamental reasons for refusing the concentration are centered on public health reasons”.

In the resolutions notified this Sunday, the ban on the concentration on the Plaza de Cibeles requested by CCOO and the UGT and the CGT’s march in the Puerta del Sol are also confirmed.

In addition, the appeals presented against the bans on demonstrations at different times in Puerta del Sol, Plaza Emperador Carlos V, Glorieta de Embajadores and Plaza de Isabel II, as well as the one called in Plaza del IES Vallecas I, between Avenida de Albufera 78 and Puerto del Monasterio street.

Historical mobilization

The capital of Spain, a country with a strong feminist movement, has been the scene in previous years of major demonstrations for 8M. In 2020, several members of the executive joined the concentration of more than 100,000 people.

In May, a police report criticized allowing the march when the infections were already recorded, which ignited political debate.

Spain is one of the European countries most affected by the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 70,000 deaths and 3.1 million confirmed cases.


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