Spain: Massive demonstrations to demand justice for the hate crime of Samuel Luiz Muñiz | The young man was killed by a gang at the exit of a bowling alley in Galicia


Thousands of people they claimed in the places of Spain claim for him brutal crime of Samuel Luiz Muñiz, a young homosexual beaten to death in In La Coruña, in one homophobic attack for which LGTBIQ + organizations, through social networks and under the slogan #JusticeForSamuel, they called for demonstrations in the streets.

In La Coruña, friends of Samuel, who was 24, hosted the event while at Madrid, more than 3000 demonstrators invaded the center with the slogan “He is not dead, they murdered him”, and banners stating “Stop homophobia“,” All I care about is to live “or “They are killing us”. Anti-homophobic protests have also been recorded in Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Andalusia Yes Asturias.

“To Samuel They killed him because he was queer, we repeat it as many times as necessary ”, The referents of the “Marika Movement” warned in a statement read during the demonstration. “The response to these acts is minimal, if there is one,” they added and stressed that “It’s impossible not to be afraid if when you walk out of a nightclub they’re going to look at you for a queer until they kill you.”

A few hours earlier, the Spanish president, Pedro Sanchez, had mentioned the crime, which he defined as “A savage and ruthless act” on his Twitter account. “I hope the @police investigation will soon find the perpetrators of Samuel’s murder and shed light on the facts. It was a savage and ruthless act. We will not take a step back on rights and freedoms. Spain will not tolerate it, ”the president tweeted.

Hate crimes

Samuel Luiz Ruiz was killed on Saturday morning by a gang on the promenade in La Coruña, Galicia. The young man was walking, phone in hand, while having a video call chat with a friend.

“Stop recording me if you don’t want me to kill you, fagot”, shouted another young man when he saw him; Soon after, more than ten people beat Luis Ruiz to death.

After the ferocious aggression, Luiz Ruiz was transferred to the La Coruña University Hospital Complex (CHUAC), where his death was confirmed.


The government sub-delegation in La Coruña said security forces continued to question witnesses and people near the scene in order to identify the attackers. It is presumed that seven were those who unleashed the fatal blows.

Spokespersons reported that there is still no suspect in court and that investigators collect footage from security cameras located near the scene of the attack.

Despite the fact that family and friends denounced that the young man had been the victim of a hate crime, the authorities did not make any statement in this regard and assured that “Different avenues of investigation are being considered”.

They are studying whether it is a hate crime, ”said the Minister of the Interior., Fernando Grande-Marlaska. “The National Police are working exhaustively to, as soon as possible, clarify the facts and what their nature is,” he added.

“For the moment, none of the routes are excluded”, declared the delegate of the government in Galicia, José Manuel Miñones. “It is neither excluded nor confirmed. There are several lines of research. The police are doing their job with meticulousness. In the coming days, as soon as the arrests take place, we will know what happened and why it happened. is produced, ”said Deputy Government Delegate in A Coruña, María Rivas.

A word from the family

“I would ask the families of those who killed my son how they would feel if they were in my place,” he wrote. Maxsoud Luiz, father of the murdered young man, in an emotion paper which he left deposited where his son received the fatal blows.

In the text, Samuel’s father asked for a collaboration to find the murderers of the young man. He also demanded that the attackers who fled before the arrival of the ambulance that took Samuel to the hospital where he died, and thanked “the excellent work of the 061 teams for all the efforts made regarding the prompt care of our son “.

They took away the only light that illuminated our life. We know we’re going to have a very long way to go. We will be supported by our family, friends and colleagues who will help us get out of this dark path, ”he said.

The young man’s father also thanked the authorities of “our wonderful city, La Coruña”. “Thank you with all my heart. May God reward all the love you give us. A very strong hug to all and we hope that another day as dark as the one we are living will never happen again “He added before asking “no to violence”.


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