Spain: Pedro Sánchez renews his cabinet | The president underlined a greater presence of women and young people


The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchez (Photo), announced this Saturday a restructuring of his cabinet which aims to “consolidate the economic recovery” after the crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic. The changes focus on 17 portfolios managed by members of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Partyl (PSOE) or relatives and this will not affect the five ministries of the left-wing Podemos party.

“From today, the stimulus government begins to overcome mankind’s worst calamity in decades,” Sánchez said when announcing the new government. Once the most difficult part of the pandemic is overcome , the main task of the new government will be to consolidate the economic recovery and also the creation of jobs and, without a doubt, the management of the enormous opportunity that the European funds represent to modernize and further strengthen our economy ”, declared the head of government.

The changes include the departure of the first vice-presidenta, Carmen Calvo, which will be replaced by Nadia calvin, Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and who until then held the second vice-presidency. The executive will also be leaving Ivan Redondo, who until now was Sánchez’s right-hand man and will be replaced by Oscar Lopez, historic leader of the PSOE, as the new leader. Another change has taken place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he appoints the current Spanish Ambassador to France, José Manuel Albares, as the new holder of the portfolio in replacement Arancha González Laya.

The president also underlined that the changes imply a “generational renewal” since the average age is reduced to 50 years. He also mentioned a greater presence of women in the cabinet, which will now be composed of 14 women and nine men. “Before there were 54% of women and now 63%, which once again makes our country a benchmark in terms of parity,” he said.


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