Spain planned not to have the intention to deliver to Leopoldo López


As a result, the country responded to the arrest warrant issued by the Venezuelan Supreme Court of Justice against López, who He was released from his home arrest last Tuesday, after enjoying the grace of Juan Guaidó in his role as interim president.

From the Madrid government, they hope that "Venezuelan authorities respect the inviolability of the residence of the Spanish ambbadador"in reference to the decision of the diplomat to lodge López with his wife, Lilian Tintori, and his 15-month-old daughter.

The arrest warrant was considered an "expected judicial move", but Spain remains "do not have the intention" to deliver Lopez despite the warning of President Nicolás Maduro to intensify the conflict between Madrid and Caracas.

The TSJ ordered the arrest of López not only for violating the conditions of his house arrest, but also for made political statements to harangue the failed takeover of the La Carlota base, east of Caracas, was produced last Tuesday under the command of Guaidó.

Meanwhile, the house of López and Tintori in Caracas was raided this Thursday After which, the wife of the opposition leader said that it was an agent of the National Intelligence Service Bolivarian (Sebin).

"It was the earthquake of the wicked, because there are patriots sebins who want the freedom of Venezuela," Tintori badured the signal TVE between the chaos left at home.


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