Spain: police arrest three young men for brutal murder of Samuel


Spanish police arrested three young people on Tuesday for the brutal murder of Samuel, who was beaten up by a group of subjects around 3 a.m. on Saturday in what has been described as a homophobic assault. The crime happened in the city of La Coruña.

“3 young people between 20 and 25 years old, residents of La Coruña, arrested as suspected perpetrators of the violent attack which ended the life of Samuel Luiz”, wrote the Spanish national police on his Twitter account.

And I add: “The investigation remains open until the facts are fully clarified. Other arrests cannot be ruled out in the coming hours”.

The event took place during the second night of nightlife since the restrictions were lifted in Galicia. Relatives and friends of the victim launched a strong social media campaign with the label #JusticeForSamuel, from which they request information on the facts and they defend that the young man “is not dead, he was assassinated”, while explaining that the event it is homophobic aggression.

After the crime, thousands of people rallied in different cities across the country to demand justice for Samuel’s death.

Young Samuel, assassinated on Saturday in La Coruña.
Young Samuel, killed on Saturday in La Coruña.

The emotional concentrations of protest took place in La Coruña, Barcelona, ​​Madrid or Valencia, still reeling from the murder of the young man, which continues to be the subject of an investigation and which the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, condemned on the social network Twitter.

“I hope the police investigation will soon find the perpetrators of Samuel’s murder and clarify the truth. It was a savage and ruthless act. We will not take a step back on rights and freedoms. Spain will not tolerate it. All my support to his family and loved ones, ”wrote the president of the Spanish government on his Twitter account.

Samuel, a 24-year-old nursing assistant, was found unconscious near a nightclub in La Coruna, northwestern Spain, after being beaten. Rescue services were unable to resuscitate him and he died on Saturday morning, Spanish media reported.

“Justice for Samuel. Homophobia and fascism, it’s the same ”, could one read on the gigantic banner carried by the demonstrators, who started this Monday evening a march in the famous Puerta del Sol in Madrid, observed AFPTV.

“These are not beatings, these are murders,” shouted the crowd. “Stop homophobia”, “All I care about is to live” or “They kill us” were other slogans on the banners.


According to some versions, the event happened when Samuel was at the entrance to a nightclub using his cell phone, one of the friends who accompanied him assures that I was making a video call.

Apparently, this fact caused confusion among the group of attackers, who were also there, because, according to witnesses, the young people alleged that Samuel was filming towards where they were, specifically to the girls who accompanied them, this being the supposed reason for the annoyance, therefore one of them berated him and hit himLater, the other men in the group joined, who between punches and kicks ended up seriously injuring the 24-year-old boy.

Witnesses assure that it is around seven subjects who beat Samuel, preventing him even from having a chance to defend himself. Likewise, it has been reported that while they attacked him, they shouted “queer” at him, so they did not doubt that the attack was linked to a fact of homophobia.

Spanish police informed the agency EFE, What found the capture of at least 13 people for his alleged involvement in the events.


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