Spain: Police were looking for two missing children, but their mother confessed that they were dead


Spain: Police were looking for two missing children, but their mother confessed that they were dead

It was in Spain. The victims, five months and three years old, were buried near the family home.

The Spanish Civil Guard was in charge of a mega-operation to find two brothers, who were reported missing for five months and three and a half years respectively. Against the clock, more than 100 agents were deployed in the municipality of Godella, in Valencia, with dogs and helicopters.

Until after an insistent interrogation, the boys' mother confessed that they were dead and took the police to the place where he had buried them.

The case began with the complaint of a family neighbor, who suspected that something bad had happened. The woman had seen the mother of the children, Maria Gombau, 28, leave her house half-naked and stained with blood. Distrustful of the situation she saw, she called the authorities.

When they arrived at the house occupied by this family, the agents found the couple of the girl and immediately arrested her. From Guombau and boys, there was no trace. After several hours of research, they found her not far from her home, between Godella and Rocafort.

The father, after being arrested, told the interrogators that his partner had tried to drown the children Wednesday night in the middle of a heated argument. Hanging on the evidence, the young woman admitted that the children had died and took them to the place where she buried them. The investigators arrested her as the perpetrator of the crime. And they think his boyfriend would have covered him.

The parents suffered psychiatric problems. During the interrogation, full of contradictions and nonsense, Gombau evoked the possibility of "resuscitating" his children and even mentioned the extraterrestrials.


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