Spain starts a historic trial against twelve Catalan separatists – 02/11/2019


In Madrid, in the hall of the Supreme Court where King Felipe VI of Spain presides every year the opening ceremony of the judicial year, begins this Tuesday, at ten o'clock in the morning, a trial historical: the process to politicians and social leaders who led the agenda of Catalan independence, from the preparation of the referendum on illegal self-determination from 1 October 2017 to the unilateral declaration of short-term independence that took place 27 days later.

Two days after the mobilization organized by the constitutionalist parties in the Plaza de Colón in Madrid to demand the resignation of the Socialist President Pedro Sánchez – they consider that it applies a soft and concessive policy towards Catalonia betraying Spain – the process of the laws promises vilo to all the Spaniards.

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And not just by the spectacular and morbid doses that the live broadcast of the punishment that the Spanish state or not imposes on nationalists who aspire to form a republic. Also because one day after the beginning of the trial, the Congress of Deputies will debate the budgets that Pedro Sanchez must approve to extend his mandate until 2020. However, since Monday, there are versions according to which the Socialist , the jaqueado in the absence of support for parliamentary independence, could call early elections by mid-April.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

The defendants in this lawsuit are twelve: the former vice-president of the Generalitat, Oriol Junqueras; eight former councilors (ministers) of his cabinet; the former president of the Catalan Parliament, Carme Forcadell, and two leaders of independentist badociations.

They will enter the hall of the plenary sessions of the Supreme Court, a room decorated with marble and tapestries that can accommodate a hundred people, without handcuffs.

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The lawsuit will try to prove whether they are guilty or innocent crimes of rebellion, sedition, disobedience and embezzlement.

They are not the only ones responsible for the disobedience that Catalonia committed in 2017. Because, as soon as the central government intervened, autonomy was committed for having committed illegalities, Carles Puigdemont, who was at the time president of the Generalitat, four other ex-councilors (ministers) and two former deputies occupying high positions in the Catalan Parliament – Marta Rovira, general secretary of Esquerra Republicana de Cataluña (ERC), and Anna Gabriel, the president of the CUP parliamentary group fled Spain.

Some, like Puigdemont, have fled to Belgium, others to Switzerland and Scotland. The Supreme Court regards them as "escapees from justice" and, therefore, the process that corresponds to them is suspended..

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The people who will be judged during these sessions will have to answer the charges of the prosecutor's office, which is at the origin of the process. the defense of the state, which depends on the Spanish government, and Vox, the far-right party that joined Sunday in the march against President Pedro Sánchez and represents the popular accusation .

They demand years of imprisonment for the sovereignists for having approved the laws called "disconnection of the State" which would lead to the definitive break with the rest of Spain.

They are demanding convictions for the revolts at the door of the Ministry of Economy in September 2017, preparing the referendum for self-determination that the national government has tried to prevent.

They demand a prison sentence and a challenge for carrying out this popular consultation on 1 October 2017 and unilaterally declared the independence of Catalonia, which the Constitutional Court immediately suspended.

The Office of the Prosecutor is asking for 25 years of imprisonment and the same amount of incapacity for Oriol Junqueras, as well as sentences ranging from 17 to 7 years for the rest of the accused..

The sessions, for which more than 600 journalists from 170 Spanish media and from around the world have been accredited, will take place from Tuesday to Thursday, although it is not excluded that the Court decides to add days and hours. hours.

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The trial is expected to last about three months and the sentence, which will be drafted by the President of the Supreme Court Criminal Chamber, Manuel Marchena, on the basis of his trial and that of six other judges, will be ready before regional and municipal elections. at the end of May.

Of the more than 500 witnesses who will be called to testify, former President Mariano Rajoy will do so; the former Vice President, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría and the former Minister of Finance, Cristóbal Montoro.

The former Catalan president Artur Mas, the current president of the Parliament of Catalonia, Roger Torrent, and the mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, will also testify.

This Tuesday, when they will enter the room where they will be judged, if one of the twelve defendants is allowed to look toward the vaulted ceiling of the hall, he will run up against "The Triumphant Law of Evil or L & rsquo; Expiry of crimes and vices before the appearance of justice ", a painting of Marceliano Santa María Sedano dating from 1920." It's a baroque composition, symbol of hope and expectation of law enforcement, "say specialists in the art. A message, perhaps, for the accused.



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