Spain: three young people arrested for the hate crime of Samuel Luiz Muñiz | They are residents of La Coruña and are between 20 and 25 years old


Three young people were arrested in Spain for the hate crime of Samuel Luiz Muñiz, a young homosexual who was beaten to death in La Coruña and whose murder sparked a series of massive marches demanding justice.

“3 young people between 20 and 25 arrested, residents of La Coruña, as the alleged perpetrators of the violent assault that ended the life of Samuel Luiz, ”the Spanish police wrote on their Twitter account.

And he added through the message posted on the networks: “The investigation remains open until the facts are fully clarified. No further arrests are ruled out in the coming hours.”

The Spanish Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, confirmed the arrest of these three young people and confined himself to asking the media to let the Police “work calmly”, which is doing “relevant” work.

Samuel, a 24-year-old auxiliary nurse, was found unconscious near a nightclub in La Coruña (Galicia) after receiving a beat Saturday morning. The emergency services were unable to resuscitate him after the blows he received and on Saturday morning he passed away.

Sources close to the investigation told the Efe agency that a statement had been taken from around fifteen people linked to the attack, although the poor quality of the images recorded by the cameras near the scene of the events made identification difficult.

The crime sparked a big demonstration in Madrid, where thousands of young people gathered on Monday in Puerta del Sol with the rainbow flag of pride and with slogans such as “Justice for Samuel”. In La Coruña, there was also a demonstration to protest the crime committed. Since the death of the young man, his relatives denounce that it is a homophobic crime.

For his part, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, shared the following message on his Twitter account: “I hope the police investigation @ will soon find the perpetrators of Samuel’s murder and clarify the facts. It was a savage and ruthless act. . We will not take a step back on rights and freedoms. Spain is not going to tolerate it. “


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