Spain: tweets and song against Juan Carlos who took rapper Pablo Hasél to prison


MADRID – Barcelona are living through days of fury and protest, with hundreds of people taking to the streets despite restrictions on Coronavirus pandemic, arrests and wounded, and this time it is not for the independence of the region but for the monarchy. Tuesday the police arrested rapper Pablo Hasél and jailed him to serve a sentence of nine months in prison for tweets against crown and security forces and unleashed fury in the region and the land.

It was not an impromptu procedure. Already alerted to the situation by the authorities, the singer had until last Friday to surrender voluntarily and start serving his sentence for extolling terrorism and insults after his messages published between 2014 and 2016.

What did Hasél write? What is the reason for your prison sentence? He himself posted the posts on his social media, in which he said things like: “Because of Saudi Arabia, the children of Yemen are suffering like this. Things from Democratic Friends of Mafiosi Bordones ” o “The police officers who imprisoned Franco with Franco and are now incarcerated as judges of the Audiencia Nazi-onal ”.

In another post, dated March 2014, the rapper, real name Pau Rivadulla Duró, said: “They are trying to hide that many people have come today to demand the end of the fascist monarchy and even beat journalists.”

But these are not the only culprits of his arrest. In addition, one of his songs sparked controversy and was the source of his imprisonment for “crimes of glorification of terrorism and insults against the Crown and state institutions”, according to what has been published. by the newspaper La Vanguardia, which also explains that “the basis of the conviction is extolling the terrorism of ETA, Grapo, Terra Lliure and even Al-Qaeda in the networks and in their letters ”.

The subject in question is entitled “Juan Carlos the Bobón” and he says in his words, for example: “How many millions and millions of royals have been plundered and wasted for so many years after the psychopaths who tell us in governments that there are no money for fundamental rights. “

It also tells of the world famous 1956 episode in which at the age of 18 and in the midst of an accident, the ex-king draws one of the weapons of his father and his brother Alfonso, 14 years, dies from the bullet. And among other complaints, he assures that Carlos mistreats his wife, Sofía, to whom he has been unfaithful on several occasions and who is the faithful heir to Francisco Franco, the Spanish dictator.

Pablo Hasél – “Juan Carlos el Bobón”

Despite the complaints, Hasél did not back down. In fact, on Friday, when the opportunity to appear before justice voluntarily expired, he posted on the networks a video clip of a new song called “Ni Felipe VI”, in which he criticizes the current monarch, son of Carlos.

Earlier this week, the national court again rejected the suspension of the execution of his sentence, recalling that in 2017 he was sentenced for disobedience to authority and in 2018 for search of the premises. A few hours later, he was arrested at the University of Lleida, in the northeastern region of Catalonia, where he barricaded himself with dozens of young people supporting him.

“They will never stop us, they will not bend us!” Hasél shouted with his fist in the air as the police took him away.

The singer was arrested on Tuesday and since then there have been protests in several cities
The singer was arrested on Tuesday and since then there have been protests in several citiesDPA wire – ZUMA

Yesterday there were riots and violent clashes between protesters and police again in Madrid, Barcelona and other Catalan cities during protests against Hasél’s controversial imprisonment.

In the Spanish capital, a concentration of hundreds of people in Puerta del Sol, heavily guarded by security forces, sparked passages between protesters and riot police. People with covered faces threw bottles and blunt objects at the officers, who in turn charged them.

The singer was arrested on Tuesday and since then there have been protests in several cities
The singer was arrested on Tuesday and since then there have been protests in several citiesDPA – PRESS EUROPA

“The violent and those who do not accept the rules have no place in our society. I strongly condemn the violence, ”tweeted the mayor of Madrid, the conservative José Luis Martínez-Almeida.

In Barcelona, ​​there were also incidents with people throwing objects at officers and erecting barricades. with burnt garbage cans. Catalan police, the Mossos d’Esquadra, responded with accusations and rubber bullets to disperse the population.

Before these events, hundreds of people protested, shouting “Libertad Pablo Hásel”, while others knocked with microphones and loudspeakers.

The singer was arrested on Tuesday and since then there have been protests in several cities
The singer was arrested on Tuesday and since then there have been protests in several citiesManu Fernandez – AP

AFP and DPA agencies


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