Spain: two new detainees for the hate crime of Samuel Luiz Muñiz | There are already six orders


Two new suspects have been arrested for their relationship with him Hate crime of Samuel Luiz Muñiz, a young Spanish homosexual who was beaten to death in La Coruña, and the number of people arrested for the murder has risen to six.

“Two new arrests, both minors and of Spanish nationality, linked to the homicide of Samuel, which so far brings the number of arrested to six “, tweeted the national police on Friday.

The arrests come a day after a fourth person, aged 20 to 25, was arrested on Thursday, and the first three arrests of three young people – two boys and a girl – on Tuesday as alleged perpetrators of the crime of the ‘auxiliary. – 1 year old nurse who died on Saturday following a beating in Spain.

As the police then explained, the first four detainees were friends with each other and did not know the victim before. The investigation is continuing and the matter is being kept secret. His closest circle assures us that the attackers acted out of pure homophobia and attacked him with cries of “fagot”.

Samuel Luiz was found unconscious near a nightclub due to the beatings he suffered. The emergency services tried to resuscitate him for hours, but he finally died on Saturday morning.

The young man, of a Brazilian father and born in Brazil, was beaten in the street by a “human pack” for 200 meters and, according to the first elements of the autopsy, death from a severe head injury caused by a kick to the head.

The crime sparked outrage in Spain and sparked protests in Madrid, Barcelona and La Coruna, just as LGBT pride week had just been celebrated. New mobilizations are planned for this weekend.

The authorities at the origin of the case assure that the investigative tracks remain open and that new arrests cannot be ruled out.


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