Spanish company UC Global spied on Assange for …


The company Undercover Global SL collaborated with the CIA to spy on the founder of Wikileaks in his diplomatic asylum in London. He did so through millionaire Sheldon Adelson – Trump’s personal friend and Eurovegas promoter – and his ties to the Stratfor agency. Since 2017, the Ecuadorian Embassy has been infested with high-tech micro-cameras prepared by a Spanish expert, with 24-hour online access from anywhere in the world.

Following the rejection by the British justice system of the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States due to his precarious health, other key elements take force concerning the espionage to which the Spanish security company UC Global subjected the founder of Wikileaks for years, while he remained trapped. at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, as well as his lawyers, friends and journalists who visited him between 2012 and 2019.

The National Court maintains as accused the ex-soldier David Morales Guillén, owner of this security company, since October 2019 after being arrested in the framework of the so-called Tabanco operation, for violation of both the privacy of Assange and communications between the activist and his lawyers.

UC Global dismantled journalist Stefania Maurizi’s cell phone during her visit to Assange.

But this is not the only case opened in National Court against the owner of Undercover Global SL, initially hired to protect the Ecuadorian legation in the British capital. There is also the lawsuit brought by several international journalists who visited the founder of Wikileaks during his internment in London, who denounced that their cell phones had been tampered with at the Ecuadorian embassy, ​​while they had been forced to leave them in the custody of the Spanish security company during the meeting. More specifically, they point out that their terminals could have been cloned, and the stored data extracted, in addition to the spyware installed on them.

On Morales, the former Spanish Special Forces soldier aspiring to create his own Blackwater, charges of illegal gun possession, money laundering and corruption also hang, after police found two pistols with serial numbers. series were erased during the search. from his home in Jerez de la Frontera (Cadiz), with a large sum of money.

Specifically, the ongoing legal proceedings in Spain regarding this case do not aim to find out whether Assange and his relatives were spied on, as it is obvious that they were, but to prove reliably since when, by order of who and in the service of whom, because the paternity is evident.

But he’s also looking to find out for what purpose the Spanish security firm UC Global turned the Ecuadorian embassy in London into a Big Brother ensemble and unsuccessfully attempted to make the founder of Wikileaks an imitation of the naive Truman Burbank. Assange was keenly aware that he was being watched, watched, and listened to, and attempted to defend himself, but did not know the scope of the operation.

From protecting the “host” to spying on the “target”

Said the Latin aphorism spread by Cicero “Qui prodest scelus, est fecit”, that is to say: “He who profits from a crime is he who committed it”. In any case, it is public and notorious that the suspicions point directly to the United States’ secret services, both public and private, which are the main stakeholders. Therefore, the open cases aim to prove these suspicions, identifying all those who collaborated in the operation and their degree of involvement in the various crimes reported and allegedly committed in the Ecuadorian diplomatic legation in London, by Spanish citizens.

This mission of protecting the Ecuadorian embassy in London was entrusted in 2015 to the Spanish security company UC Global by order of SENAIN, the Ecuadorian national intelligence service, in order to guarantee the integrity and security of the legation. diplomatic and refugee Assange, before possible external actions.

UC Global technicians are placing surveillance cameras in every corner of the Ecuadorian embassy in London where Assange was receiving diplomatic asylum. IFS-AIP

Shortly thereafter, UC Global implemented diplomatic headquarters security measures with security cameras and paid close attention to monitoring visits, including lawyers for Assange, who were required to testify in security access any electronic device. transported with them, which has been extended in particular to cell phones.

These measures disturbed visitors, although they readily accepted them, in the belief that their mission was to keep the founder of Wikileaks safe. According to Ecuadorian public security data, its diplomatic legation in London, next to the Colombian embassy and just 100 meters from the famous Harrods stores, had surveillance cameras inside and outside, but in no case they did not pick up the audio.

The trip to Las Vegas that changed everything

In June 2016, Morales, owner of UC Global, received a personal invitation from Zohar Lahav, Las Vegas Sands Security Officer, to attend the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Convention, a unique event held annually at the Convention Center in the city of Las Vegas, lasts six days and brings together very different and diverse sectors of the industry, ranging from film production and telecommunications, to virtual reality, sports and military technology and security.

The venue for this event is owned by the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, a company chaired by ultra-Zionist mogul Sheldon Adelson, the twenty-first richest man in the world, a personal friend of Donald Trump and best known in Spain for being the promoter of the bankrupt city-casino Eurovegas, died on Tuesday at the age of 87.

Serving Aldelson, and under the command of a former CIA-decorated secret service agent, was Zohar Lahav, an American-Israeli Zionist who already knew Morales very well, even though they had never seen each other. . Although the former serviceman initially believed the opposite, different elements lead to the conclusion that the interest of the head of security of Las Vegas Sands in Morales was solely and exclusively due to his status as Assange’s guardian at the embassy. Ecuadorian in London.

The American intelligence services already had an action plan on the founder of Wikileaks, more than likely a service via the Stratfor (Strategic Forecast Global Intelligence) agency, based in Texas, which thanks to its mandated intelligence services has earned the nickname of the CIA in the shadows and whose leader, George Friedman, indoctrinates his agents with phrases such as, “If you think a source is valuable, you have to tame it. That means tame it economically. , sexually or psychologically. ”

As soon as Lahav was briefly aware of Morales’ main vulnerability – essentially his ego – it was clear that the invitation to the Wolf’s Lair was aimed at capturing the owner of UC Global: they only needed to know what his price was for. add him to the team. .

Nagel’s ties to Stratfor

Without a doubt, those days in Las Vegas changed the life of the former Spanish military man. From that meeting, David Morales officially walked out with a contract to ensure the protection of Queen Miri, the $ 70 million yacht owned by Donald Trump’s friend. But knowing that Adelson already had a large team for his safety and that of his family, everything indicates – and this is pointed out by various sources consulted by Public – that the contract in question was in fact the cover of an operation of CIA-supervised espionage. Former UC Global employees pointed out in the investigation that Morales had come back euphoric from his trip and that he even said he had gone “to the dark side, to play in the Premier League”.

Obviously, the CIA tries not to be directly involved in operations that affect foreign diplomatic legations outside its territory and less in a friendly country like the UK, where the target, Assange, is also an Australian citizen. For this reason, private agencies are used which, in turn, outsource special services.

If we add another code name to the equation, that of Brian Nagel, currently director of global security at Las Vegas Sands, right-hand man of Adelson and direct boss of Lahav, it all fits like a glove. Nagel was part of the personal security team of Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, and later became the leading cybercrime investigation expert for the US Secret Service.

From left der. and top to bottom: Sheldon Adelson, Brian Nagel, Zohar Lahav, and David Morales. IFS-AIP

In February 2012, Wikileaks discovered one of its biggest revelations: the Global Intelligence Files or Global Intelligence Files – a mega-leak that Public He offered exclusively in Spanish – over five million emails with all internal communications from Stratfor employees, in which Brian Nagel was specifically cited, as this newspaper reported at the time. Since that date, WikiLeaks has maintained a collaboration agreement with Public for the exclusive dissemination in Spain of all its leaks.

Thus, in an October 2009 e-mail revealed in this Wikileaks leak, a Stratfor analyst detailed Brian Nagel’s offer for a contract allowing Stratfor to perform “proactive monitoring” of security threats against Las Vegas casinos. Sands in the world. To be sure, Nagel had a vested interest in capturing Assange.

US blocks National Court investigation

In fact, the National Court requested the questioning of Zohar Lahav, but the US Department of Justice blocked that possibility. Judge José De la Mata intended with the interrogation of the former casino security chief and friend of David Morales to achieve four objectives, according to The Grayzone -: to determine the relationship of Lahav with Morales, to clarify the occasions on which Morales and Lahav they met. in the United States and Spain, to find out whether Lahav has had communications and meetings with Morales about the alleged information illegally obtained under investigation and to clarify whether Zohar Lahav or his superiors at Las Vegas Sands, Sheldon Adelson and Brian Nagel, had access to information allegedly obtained illegally under investigation.

The Spanish magistrate’s interest in Nagel indicates that the Spanish judicial investigation is now behind the alleged role that the US intelligence services played in pulling the strings of UC Global’s criminal espionage operation.

Because this is the only way to understand that from 2017 UC Global installed high-tech micro video cameras in every corner of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, prepared by a Spanish expert, with 24-hour online access from anywhere in the world, to monitor and live stream all movements of Assange, his visitors and the diplomats who reside there.

But the whole of this international espionage operation includes many other elements hitherto unknown, as this newspaper will reveal in the next issues.


Of Public, from Spain, special for Page 12


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