Spanish Council to save fuel when traveling by car


The Directorate General of Traffic of Spain (DGT) has launched an intense campaign to control the speed and did it in the most painful way (if the Spaniards have the same thing that happens to us with their pockets : they are spreading its channel on Twitter, the benefits that maintaining a confined speed can generate for the cost of drivers.

"The ideal fuel consumption, depending on the type of vehicle, is generally around 90 km / h, if the speed reaches 120 km / h, consumption increases by 30%", explains the DGT. . "For consumption and for safety, always # MejorMásDespacio", they say with the hashtag of the campaign.

According to the DGT tables, an average diesel vehicle consuming 5.7 liters per 100 kilometers consumes 20% less at 90 kilometers per hour than 120; with a fuel consumption of 7.6 liters, the fuel cost at 90 km / h is 18% lower.

On the other hand, in both vehicles traveling at 140 km / h, which is 20 times higher than the current speed limit on express roads, 14.1% more than 120 in the case of diesel; and 15.8% more for a gasoline.



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