Spanish court opened investigation to determine causes of death of John McAfee


John McAfee, Co-Founder of McAfee Crypto Team and CEO of Luxcore and Founder of McAfee Antivirus
John McAfee, Co-Founder of McAfee Crypto Team and CEO of Luxcore and Founder of McAfee Antivirus

A Spanish court has opened proceedings to perform an autopsy on the remains of John McAfee, creator of the famous computer antivirus of the same name, and determine the causes of his death in a prison in the country, confirmed this Thursday at Efe judicial sources.

McAfee, who was 75, was found dead last Wednesday in his prison cell in the province of Barcelona (northeast), the same day it was known that Spanish justice had approved his extradition to the United States for alleged tax fraud.

American business man He was remanded in custody in Brians 2 prison in the Barcelona city of Sant Esteve Sesrovires, where according to the first information he committed suicide and to which a judicial procession went to investigate the death.

As this is mandatory as long as a person does not die of natural causes, the corresponding procedure is open to conduct an autopsy and determine the causes of death, the sources said.

A court in the Barcelona city of Martorell is dealing with the case of McAfee, who entered prison last October on orders from the Spanish National Court after being detained at Barcelona airport as he was about to board a flight for Istanbul (Turkey).

McAfee was found dead in his cell the same day he learned he would be extradited to the United States.
McAfee was found dead in his cell the same day he learned he would be extradited to the United States.

The National Court accepted extradition to the United States for alleged tax evasion by hiding high incomes between 2016 and 2018.

During the extradition hearing, the businessman, whose US tax debt amounts to more than four million dollars, claimed to have paid “millions of dollars in taxes” and claimed to have been the victim of political persecution for exposing corruption within the tax agency.

“There is no evidence to support that such a thing could happen,” responded the National Court, which added that the claim “has protection in a crime against public finances.” and the requirements to agree on it match.

The creator of the famous antivirus had already been arrested in 2012 in Guatemala and Belize for various reasons and in 2019 in the Dominican Republic with weapons on board his yacht.

Dominican authorities released him and he traveled to the United Kingdom, where McAfee was born, one of the pioneers of computer virus and instant messaging software.

(With information from EFE)


John McAfee, the media entrepreneur who lived out his last years as an outlaw
John McAfee, founder of the famous antivirus, was found dead in prison after his extradition to the United States was approved.

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