Spay and Spike, dogs who fell in the Puebla chasm, have already been rescued


The puppies who fell into the sinkhole of Santa María Zacatepec, in the state of Puebla, They were rescued Thursday afternoon by local authorities, after the entity’s governor, Miguel Ángel Barbosa Huerta, instruct their rescue.

Members of Civil protection state, they left the place Sterilize Yes Peak, the two dogs, who for over 48 hours survived in the muddy water without food or water.

After his rescue, the staff of the Animal welfare of Puebla performed the evaluation and veterinary care of both dogs.

“Thanks to the coordinated work, it was possible to #Rescue #Spay and #Spaike. Both dogs are being looked after by @IBAGobPue staff, ”Civil Protection reported on its Twitter account.

The two dogs survived for several days without food, water and inside the sinkhole (Photo: Government of Puebla)
The two dogs survived for several days without food, water and inside the sinkhole (Photo: Government of Puebla)

It should be noted that at 7:00 p.m., the local president reported that he had already ordered the rescue, after working in a plan that did not endanger life of any person or of the animals themselves.

Less than half an hour later, Civil Protection rescuers reported that the work had been successfully completed and that the two dogs were under protection. From the above, it was not necessary to use a helicopter as previously stated by Barbosa Huerta.

The complaint that Spay and Spike had fallen into the abyss had been filed since June 7th. Thanks to a YouTube video, it was shown that they were still alive, so the Animal Rescue and Survival Unit (URSVA) requested permission from the state government to can access the area and do rescue maneuvers.

“Mr. Governor, please, we need state government permission. We need your authorization as constitutional governor to be able to carry out the tasks necessary to extract these two dogs, ”asked a member of the organization.

Authorities examined the health of the dogs (Photo: Government of Puebla)
Authorities examined the health of the dogs (Photo: Government of Puebla)

“These are indeed risky tasks, however, when performed by staff, those of us who have the training and the training to intervene for this type of scenario, we try to minimize all possible risks so that rescuers can make a safe descent “added.

Finally, he insisted that quadrupeds deserved attention in order to be rescued, because their species accompanied and even helped humans in risky situations, such as during the earthquake of 2017.

After several days of insistence, the governor replied on his Twitter that he would reconsider the case.

“In different media, the demand for save the “lomitos” trapped in the abyss, we understand it, we want to save them and we are working on it. This is a question that is being reviewed with specialists to do this, it is not a simple decision. The option that is analyzed is the one that allows a safe rescue, while there is no safety, we cannot do it. It’s difficult and we have to be responsible, ”he said.

Two dogs fell into a chasm (Photos: Twitter)
Two dogs fell into a chasm (Photos: Twitter)

“We respect all expressions of love for animals. We did not abandon them, they received food and water, we are acting responsibly. Any decision must be without risk for anyone, ”he added.

Thanks to the follow-up of the history of the dogs trapped in the abyss, that day they were able to be rescued. Spay will return to his owner, Fatima, who was instrumental in the rescue. On the other hand, Spike, who is apparently a stray dog, must find a home.


“We have not abandoned them”: the governor of Puebla wants a safe rescue of the dogs of the abyss
Two dogs fell into the Puebla chasm; URSVA asked the governor for the authorization of the rescue
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