Specialist blamed US for Afghanistan crisis


Shortly after the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the Taliban seized the country’s capital and plunged the entire country into social and political crisis.

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In dialogue with Channel 3, international policy analyst Carlos Perez Llana said “you can’t say they’ve been abandoned, because that means saying the United States has left them alone.”

“It is a decision that comes from Trump and that Biden accelerated it, as long as there was no possibility of maintaining himself,” he explained, adding that the North American country “did the error of having stretched out too much and staying there for a long time. ”

In addition, he said that “the Afghan army has received hundreds and hundreds of dollars in aid, but it has never fought directly.”

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“We do not know what will happen, but there will be reverberations. Throughout this region, militant Islamism will feel strengthened,” he said and stressed: “This will involve projections that will worry China , Russia and the vast geography of Central Asia “

Adrián Simioni report.


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