Spectacular shock and reversal in Santiago and Brown, slightly injured


Two people suffered minor injuries playing this afternoon in a violent accident and overturning between a public service and a private car in the Pichincha area.

The road accident occurred in Santiago and Brown, while, according to the witness's version, a Chevrolet Astra "did not respect the stop signal" and crashed into a Renault Kangoo.

As they pointed out, the utility "was crossing through" Brown when he was struck to the left by Astra.

"The Astra pilot did not respect the stop sign, knocked it to the rear and the Kangoo hit the tree, which eventually stopped the peaks. "said a woman, adding that" thanks to the wearing of the seatbelt they suffered only minor blows. "

In the Kangoo, two men sustained only minor injuries despite the dramatic impact of the accident as the vehicle struck a banana on the sidewalk. It is also the factor for which there is no reason to regret the victims or the significant damage, because the tree is actually confined.

"Thank God, there was no one in the street, because the street wet with rain was also the factor that motivated the dump," added the woman during a dialogue with Radio 2.

On the other hand, two people traveling in the Astra were unharmed.

The occupants of the occupant were assisted by an emergency ambulance system integrated (Sies) and were out of danger.

Transit through the area was normal because the Kangoo was above the road.


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