Speech by Daniel Ortega at the 19 July event in Nicaragua – Nuestro País Digital Journal


Managua, July 19 (Elnuevodiario.com.ni) .- Daniel Ortega directs Thursday the central act of on July 19 in Nicaragua on Plaza La Fe Juan Pablo II, in Managua, accused some bishops of being part of an attempted coup against him

This year, the leader of the FSLN has not mobilized his supporters from the departments in Managua, as he had done every year. The celebration also coincides with a crisis in Nicaragua which leaves between 270 and 350 dead.

17h41 Daniel Ortega concludes his speech.

16:54 These are the most important points of Daniel Ortega's speech in the FSLN Act

He argues that a coup d'etat was created against him by internal groups and funded by D & # 39; 39, other countries.

He adds that the protests against his government are not peaceful, but are armed.

For the first time, he refers to the meeting he had with the bishops, on June 7, when he was introduced to what the religious defined as a road map to democratize Nicaragua [19659003] Meeting of Daniel Ortega with Bishops

For Ortega, the proposal was part of the attempted coup d'etat.

what they really want, I thought they were mediators, but no, they committed themselves to the putschists, they were part of the putschists' plan, "said Ortega.

"It hurts me to say that because I value bishops, I have appreciation and respect, I am Catholic … the line of confrontation and not of mediation . They do not just understand that a mediation is meant to accommodate both parties. "

" A coup d'état that they wanted to establish in Nicaragua … when they brought me up (the bishops), well I was filled with the patience of Job and I said: if you want to raise this in the dialogue, think about it, but you have to reach a consensus, "he continues.

  Daniel Ortega runs an event in Managua today EFE / FIN – Daniel Ortega runs an event in Managua today EFE / FIN –

He said the proposal astonished him and that "Episcopal gentlemen had this sudden attitude ", added Ortega, who argued that at that time for him the Catholic Church was disqualified as mediator and witness of the national dialogue," because his clear message was the coup (of state) "

Then Ortega told the police who died in the crisis in Nicaragua and added that he hoped that not all bishops are part of this written as a coup d'etat.

After each police mentioned by Ortega, the people present at the event respond: "The putschists", alluding to those who caused the death of the officers.

In his words, Ortega accuses Protestants of committing "evil deeds" and asks bishops to "exorcise" those who protest against the government.

  Sandinista sympathizers in La Fe square Juan Pablo II. EFE / FIN – Sandinista sympathizers on the square La Fe Juan Pablo II. EFE / FIN –

"They are confused, one of the bishops told us that the Sandinista Front was over, that it was no world, that it was better He said, No, we will not be disrespectful to the bishops, we will not fight with the bishops, but Christ is dead for the truth and as Christians we are obliged to tell the truth and we are obliged to ask the bishops to rectify Later he recalled that the bishops asked him to quarantine the national police, but decided more Later that measures had to be taken in the face of insecurity.

"The ambbadador of the United States asked us to police act because the" little angels "who were in the Upoli" killed a citizen of the United States, according to the version of Ortega. "

"They call (the bishops) to exorcise us for tomorrow Friday … to exorcise the demons that are there on the shore." They see that the road is not war, but that it is peace, dialogue, to say that we must definitely restore peace, stability, so that the country can continue to grow, continue to grow, "Ortega said.

According to Ortega, without lowering their guard, they will continue to defend their rights and decisions

"Our decisions are not in Washington, they are in Managua," he concluded.

16:26 Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza directs a message from the government of Nicolás Maduro

Like Cuba, Arreaza criticizes the "coup attempt" and maintains that, as in Venezuela, Nicaragua will avoid it.

He also expressed his refusal at the session. of the Permanent Council of the OAS, which yesterday approved a resolution on the crisis in Nicaragua, which proposes among other things to agree on an electoral calendar and to dismantle the parapolicies.

16h02 Cuba's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríg uez, take the word. Read a message sent by the former Cuban President, Raúl Castro, who states that with Ortega he has built "indestructible bonds of friendship" and sends his solidarity "before attempts to destabilize this sister nation and its legitimately constituted government ".

  The FSLN plays a role in Plaza L aFe Juan Pablo II. EFE / FIN – The FSLN occurs in Plaza L aFe Juan Pablo II. EFE / FIN –

It also announces an agreement of the Sao Paulo Forum, which supports the Ortega government.

Rodríguez accuses the United States of applying in Nicaragua the "Monroe Doctrine", which is known by the phrase "America for Americans". Then he denounced the blows that have occurred throughout history in Latin America.

15:38 Rosario Murillo presents the act of the FSLN. "We want a free homeland, a free homeland, a free homeland … a homeland in peace, a peaceful homeland," says Murillo

Rosario Murillo claims that Nicaragua has 92 days of "coup-motivated terrorism" in reference to demonstrations against the government of Daniel Ortega.

Ask a minute of silence for people who died during the crisis in Nicaragua

  A Sandinista sympathizer in the square La Fe Juan Pablo II. EFE / FIN – A Sandinista sympathizer at Plaza La Fe Juan Pablo II. EFE / FIN –

"Nobody goes here, not a step back," says Murillo, followed by the chorus of people present at Plaza La Fe Juan Pablo II

Rosario Murillo introduces special guests to the Act: Representatives of the State, Army of Nicaragua and the National Police. Also the Apostolic Nuncio, Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag. In addition, he mentioned diplomatic delegates from several countries.

15h36 The notes of the national anthem are played

15h20 Daniel Ortega embraces the Venezuelan chancellor, Jorge Arreaza.

3:15 Daniel Ortega and Vice President, Rosario Murillo, arrive at the Plaza La Fe Juan Pablo II

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